
Mushroom cultivation - profit from “mushroom business”

Mushroom cultivation - profit from “mushroom business”

Video: How To Run A Profitable Mushroom Business 2024, July

Video: How To Run A Profitable Mushroom Business 2024, July

Today, each head of the family has a responsibility to protect his loved ones from financial upheaval. Parents will never allow their family to starve or risk work.

You will need

As a result, many families are just feverishly looking for ways to run a home business. And, unfortunately, they are not choosing the most optimal options, requiring, for example, large initial investments. Meanwhile, there are ways to make money almost at no cost, while not abandoning the other types of earnings and without spending a lot of time. This is a mushroom business, which, relating to the production of food products, will always be popular and in demand.

Instruction manual


About the methods of growing champignons and oyster mushrooms on the Web there is a lot of information. In any case, everyone chooses in his own way what kind of farm he will need to build: one will need a greenhouse, the other - a basement room, the third - a fenced area in the garden with lots of stumps. The area here affects only the volume of productivity, and not a sharp increase in the amount of work. In a nutshell, a typical way to grow oyster mushrooms and champignons is on bags where straw, horse or cow dung, a small amount of land, chalk, ammonium sulfate and other chemical compounds are needed for composting.


Within a month, compost prepared using simple technologies acquires the property of an effective mycelium. With proper care, up to 1-2 kg of oyster mushrooms per day can be removed from the bag. In this case, the bag with its contents requires little light, low ambient temperature and humidity of 90-95%, watering only the top layer of the bag. If the bags for some reason do not fit, then oyster mushrooms can be grown on tree trunks. Examples are known when a good yield appeared even at home, where mushrooms were grown in bathrooms, in pantries or on a specially equipped balcony. Mushrooms do not need light, so energy savings are guaranteed.


These two mushrooms generate income, but in this respect they cannot be compared with elite mushrooms like porcini, boletus, or truffles. They are more readily bought by the population, they can be used in more serious recipes for cooking as a filling or independent dishes. Their taste is also more pronounced than that of oyster mushrooms. Accordingly, with a smaller number, they can be sold at an increased price.


They do not need to buy mycelium, you can cook it yourself. White mycelium is obtained as follows: finely chop the caps of adult mushrooms in cold water for 24 hours. In the garden near the corresponding trees, you need to prepare seats for trunks in the ground, without damaging the roots. Water is poured into loose soil and sprinkled. After a couple of years, the root system will get stronger, and the mycelium will begin to yield. It can be sold in markets, cafes and restaurants. Mushrooms can be used as part of finished products: pies, julienne, fast food fillers. It is possible that the competition in this regard for champignons will be high, which can not be said about truffles: only this mushroom can make a person a multimillionaire.


What good is such a business? It does not require the presence of many workers, it is not necessary to “stand” above it, you can simultaneously engage in other matters. Maintenance and costs - mainly only for irrigation and organic fertilizers, that is cheap.


It is interesting to combine such a business as flower baskets with mushrooms, i.e. sell assorted mushrooms in decorative baskets. This is a traditional idea of ​​harvesting mushrooms, so this way of selling goods can go off with a bang among the population.
