
How to open your own photo studio

How to open your own photo studio

Video: I got my own photography studio! 2024, July

Video: I got my own photography studio! 2024, July

You like to take pictures, and you do it well. You are well versed in photographic equipment and have an idea of ​​the market for photo services. Perhaps the thought of starting your own business, your own photo studio, has visited you more than once: the expected costs are quite affordable, there are still niches, and they can be occupied.


Instruction manual


Thinking of creating a photo studio, some are ready to offer a minimum of services: for example, a photo for official documents. Others are guided by a full-fledged set - professional, reportage (visiting) photography, renting out premises and equipment, additional services. In the future, some dream of courses for a young photographer or organizing the sale of related products - albums, frames, batteries, etc. An important source of income may be the printing of photographs, calendars, advertising booklets and catalogs, photo montage, creation of slide disks, restoration of old photographs, etc. A creative approach to work promises endless improvement and expansion of the services of any photo studio, small or solid.

When you open any option, you need to go through the classic steps of a well-thought-out business plan.


Decide on the choice of the legal form of your future company (LLC or IP). Get familiar with the tax systems for each (perhaps a patent will be more profitable in your area). Carry out a market analysis. Evaluate, if possible, using mini-marketing research, the popularity, the demand for certain photo services. Who will be your main customer? What is your competitive environment? Clearly answer these questions for yourself.


Form the strategy of the future studio - determine the types of services that you will provide. Point out what you can get ahead of competitors: in quality, range of offers, price. Pay particular attention to the future rental space. For a photo studio with a large volume of services, it is better to choose the areas adjacent to the center. For a small (urgent photo), a sleeping area is also suitable.


Buy the necessary photo equipment. Specialty stores can also supply it to you. Do not buy the cheapest equipment - the avaricious pays twice. But even expensive models can be dispensed with: decent cameras are available today for 20-40 thousand rubles, for example, the Canon EOS 40D Body or Nikon D80 Body. At first, minimize costs: for sequential shooting, for example, it is enough to purchase one lens. Lighting equipment is purchased depending on the complexity of future work. These are light sources, racks under them, accessories. Backgrounds will also be needed: disposable paper (in rolls) or fabric.


The number of employees depends on the volume and nature of the work. Not only full-time photographer and administrator can work in photo studios, but also “hourly workers”: stylist, make-up artist, press designer.

Even a young photo studio, it is advisable to have your own site with examples of work, price list, coordinates.


When repairing a room, please note that the color of the walls, ceiling, floor in the photo studio is usually painted in "functional" colors: plain white, black, gray.

Useful advice

Separate places in the cabin are recommended for the administrator (desk with a computer, telephone) and changing clothes for visitors (with a large mirror and a screen).
