
How to create a holiday agency

How to create a holiday agency

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, July

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, July

Organizing a holiday agency is a pretty lucrative business. However, competition in this segment is very fierce. As a rule, people starting such a business either have good acting and communication skills, or communicate with such people. The main thing in this type of business is for the owner to enjoy it.


Instruction manual


Decide on the services that you will provide. It can be: the organization of corporate holidays, leisure evenings, seminars and conferences, private holidays, children's parties.


Analyze the market. Give a detailed description of the holiday agencies in your area. Mark errors in the work of existing companies so as not to commit them in their business.


The central place at the opening of a holiday agency is the office of the company. When choosing a room, consider whether it is conveniently located for potential customers. Since it is there that you will negotiate. The office of the agency should include two rooms - a meeting room and a workspace for managers. The total office area will be about forty square meters. If the office is not properly repaired, it must be carried out in order to create the appropriate surroundings and mood for customers.


Get equipment. You will need computers connected to high-speed Internet for each manager; fax machine; copy machine.


When the office is ready for work, hire staff. Usually, employees of a holiday agency are divided into two types - regular workers and visitors. Regular employees include search and customer service managers. The incoming workers are actors, dancers, clowns, presenters and others. That is, all those who are not permanently in the state. It is advisable to recruit experienced managers who have extensive experience in attracting clients. This will help to quickly recoup startup investments.


Once you have recruited staff, proceed to organize a broad advertising campaign. You can advertise your agency using the following methods: create your own website; direct marketing; telephone marketing; with the help of managers who will negotiate in enterprises. After successful holidays, your agency will begin to recommend what will bring you customers.
