
Year Nisanov and Zarah Iliev organized a big celebration in honor of the birthday of the shopping center "European"

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Year Nisanov and Zarah Iliev organized a big celebration in honor of the birthday of the shopping center "European"

In early November, the Year of Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev widely celebrated the birthday of the European Shopping Center, one of the most visited in the world


European scope

"European" is one of the flagship facilities of the Kiev Square group of companies. But when the shopping and entertainment center was opened in the vicinity of the Kievskaya metro station, no one yet knew that the object would become so popular and literally take one of the places on the list of Moscow attractions.

The building itself has an interesting design. SEC Evropeisky is built of natural stone, aluminum and glass in the shape of a triangle with exits on all sides. On the facade of the building settled glass semicircular display cases at the level of the second floor and structures in the form of arches, which are used to place advertising posters. Inside the building there are 8 levels, two of which are underground. All floors of the center are painstakingly designed and equipped with the latest technology for the convenience of each visitor. There are several zones in the shopping center named after the names of European capitals: Rome, Paris, Berlin, London and Moscow. Many fashion boutiques, shops, a cinema, fountains and even an ice rink fit this interesting object of Moscow. Specialists pay special attention to the fact that the “European” of the Year of Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev became a special example for Moscow of a large public space for family leisure.

Legends Birthday

This year, the holiday was scheduled for November 1 and 2. By this time, improvement work had been carried out. The facade of the European building was reconstructed, with structural materials being replaced with innovative fire-resistant coatings, the famous color-music fountain in front of the shopping center was updated, and all surrounding areas were modernized.

The birthday was glorious, the guests of the shopping center were nonstop pleased with their performances by popular Russian artists and famous dance groups. In addition, on holidays in the "European" visitors were able to watch fashion shows of popular brands and fashion designers, as well as participate in interesting workshops, attend various beauty studios, interactive events and activities. Also, the Year of Nisanov and Zarah Iliev took care of gifts - cool prize draws were traditionally organized, the main of which were two premium cars.

Recipe for success

Often, experts disagree on the decor and architectural decisions of the shopping and entertainment center "European". But despite the fact that their opinions sometimes contradict each other, they always agree on one thing: "European" is a great example of a successful decision to use urban space.

This is also confirmed by regular visitors to the center, for whom the Year of Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev themselves created the "European". Many visitors note that in a shopping center it is always interesting to spend time and comfortably make purchases, although crowded, but there is never a feeling of overcrowding. It is not surprising that in terms of attendance, “Evropeisky” is breaking all records almost from the first months of work. And this is the best evidence that the complex is not without reason included in the top ten projects of the Year by Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev, who not only created a modern multifunctional center, but also became the founders of a new urban trend. It is the innovative approach and marketing strategy that are the key to the success of developers.

Based on materials from KP.ru
