Business Communication and Ethics

How to get rid of the fear of cold calls

How to get rid of the fear of cold calls

Video: How to get over the fear of Cold Calling? 2024, July

Video: How to get over the fear of Cold Calling? 2024, July

It is worth noting that reading this article, you will not become a professional cold calls. But discover the strongest gates along the way! After all, it is fear that keeps us in place, preventing us from moving forward, developing and becoming what we want to be. And we want to be successful, right? I must say that many sales masters and authors of books on this topic respond positively to this method. Do not hesitate - after its implementation, fear will not leave a trace.


You will need

All you need is a telephone and a telephone directory of companies in your city. The print edition, the computer one, is also suitable. Or you can open the nearest newspaper on the advertisement page, and …

Instruction manual


Stay alone with your phone. No one should distract you in the next 5 minutes. Create your own attitude: now you will face your fear. Feel it. Materialize. Make fear huge to the point of absurdity.

How? Do you want to take a phone in your hand and dial a number? Yes or no, that doesn't matter. You will do it. Nothing will stop you from striving for success.


And now, the phone is in your hands. In the telephone directory, select any company. Absolutely any. Dial the number. Ignore the tension in the throat and body. Now your task is to make a call, and not to sell something to someone.

So you were answered at that end. It can be a pleasant female voice, or a rough and sharp baritone of a man. Not the point. You are not interested. You are here to get rid of fear.

And now the most interesting thing: introduce yourself, say that you are a novice sales manager, and you are very afraid to make calls to your potential customers. Afraid to get a refusal from them. And therefore, ask the person who is on that end of the wire to refuse you. Yes Yes! Just ask you to refuse.

Surprisingly, some will rest. People feel confused when they have to refuse you. Insist on your own. You must be denied!


So, here is your first failure. Are you afraid of this? I’m sure you got enough food for thought. And most importantly - you realized that failure is just a failure. There is nothing wrong with him and never has been.

I hope you have succeeded. Of course, you cannot call yourself a master after completing this exercise, but now you can become one! After all, nothing more holds you in place.

And if you really want to achieve success, then know - it will be so! Good luck to you, dear readers!


Your task is to be refused. If the phone was immediately dropped and you didn’t even have time to speak up, it doesn’t count. If you do not pick up the phone - it does not count. Remember - you are afraid to be refused, right? Well, get it! Face the fear face to face. All it costs you is five minutes of time. And in return - a whole life ahead, full of successes and achievements!

Useful advice

When you have gotten rid of fear, as already mentioned, amazing opportunities open up for you. Study books on sales, develop: there is a lot of material on the Internet. And you will succeed!
