
How to develop a position

How to develop a position

Video: 170 - How to Develop and Position Your Brand 2024, July

Video: 170 - How to Develop and Position Your Brand 2024, July

In the current economic activities of the organization there is a need to regulate any sphere. To develop a position means to determine the sequence of actions, the order of the operation. The regulation, like any local regulatory act, applies to all employees of the organization, regardless of the place of work (being on a business trip, working in a branch).


Instruction manual


Define the specific goals of creating a local act, to which relationships it will apply.


Define regulatory documents in force in this area. The document must not contradict the norms of the law. The regulation does not establish new rules; it clarifies the content of legislative acts in relation to the characteristics of a particular organization.


The position structure is:

- details of the document: information about the official who approved the position, his registration number, alphanumeric code, logo of the organization, date of adoption and entry into force, name.

- directly a text that reflects the goals and directions of activity, establishes clear mechanisms, competence, rights, obligations, responsibilities of those persons to whom the document applies.

- validity period, procedure for its extension, amendments.


Make attachments to the document. Forms and application forms, block diagrams, tables, coefficients can be approved here.


Attach the approval sheet and the order to put the document into effect.


When hiring a new employee, it is necessary to familiarize him under the signature with the provisions relating to his work.

Useful advice

When developing a provision, you can use the samples placed in the reference legal systems. The basis can be taken the provisions approved for state bodies, budget organizations.

  • GOST R 6.30-2003. State standard of the Russian Federation. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork, approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia No. 65-st of 03.03.2003.
  • Development of regulations on the structural unit of the organization
