Business management

How to create your own agriculture

How to create your own agriculture

Video: How to Start an Agriculture Business | Including Free Agriculture Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start an Agriculture Business | Including Free Agriculture Business Plan Template 2024, July

Today in the press, the government, among experts and ordinary people there is a lot of talk about why our agriculture cannot feed the country's population. In search of truth, new laws are being created, new machinery and equipment is being developed, and things are said to be there now. People who are in love with the earth do not support such conversations, but work on the earth - they create their own agriculture. Their land experience began with farming.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - necessary buildings for animals;

  • - land;

  • - equipment and machinery.

Instruction manual


Creating your own farm is a business that takes a lot of energy from a person. To achieve success in this difficult matter, you need to really love him and give him all of himself. If you are planning to create your own agriculture, there is a lot of work ahead.


First you need to determine what exactly you plan to do in your agriculture. The fact is that there are two directions. The first is the narrowly focused activity on breeding animals of one species (birds, pigs, cows, etc.). The second is agriculture itself, which is considered the most profitable enterprise.


Then you need to register your company (IP or LLC) and get documents for it. Now begin to create a business plan: what and how you will do, calculate the financial component of your plans, outline the ways of implementing the grown and harvested crops. It is possible that to purchase the necessary equipment and fertilizers, you will have to apply to the bank for a loan.


At your local authority, decide on the land on which your farm will be located. If you plan to involve your company in partnership with relatives, then conclude an agreement on the establishment of a farm.


After that, proceed to the construction of structures, providing your enterprise with electricity, heat and water. For these works, appropriate permissions and hiring of workers who will do all this are needed.


Then you can create a team - your employees can be relatives or people for hire. If your land is small, you can deal with it alone. And if the farm is large, then you cannot do without hired workers.


Buy equipment (or rent) to provide farming - a tractor, a combine harvester, etc.


At the beginning of the development of your business, do not save on the services of professionals when questions relate to legal, engineering and economic issues. This will help to avoid possible errors.
