
How to open a perfume department

How to open a perfume department

Video: How to turn your fragrance sample vials into spray samples! 2024, June

Video: How to turn your fragrance sample vials into spray samples! 2024, June

Even in times of crisis, women want to look beautiful and smell good. Therefore, the sale of perfumes and cosmetics is considered one of the most stable types of business. The main thing is to choose the right location for the department, determine the circle of potential buyers and not spare money on training a sales consultant.


Instruction manual


Register your IP - this is the form of legal entity that business consultants advise you to choose for a small perfume store. Then register with the tax office.


Choose a place where your department will be located. Remember that cosmetics and perfumes are often bought impulsively. Therefore, try to stay in the passageway of the shopping center or in a store on a busy street. Please note that representatives of large perfume chains are not located nearby.


After deciding on the location of the department, conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the retail space. Remember that the conduct of Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters will be required to conduct your activities, so call the representatives of these departments in your sales outlet in advance. You do not need to obtain a license to sell perfumes.


Decide on the circle of buyers. Specialists distinguish two types of customers - those who buy cheaper goods and lovers of luxury brands. If you own a small retail space, it is better to focus on a certain circle of customers. Importantly, do not forget to include actively advertised and promoted brands in the assortment.


Always ask for product certificates from suppliers. Avoid selling fakes to famous brands. Buyers can compare them with the original and feel cheated. In this case, you will lose customers.


Do not spare money for training the seller or hire a ready-made specialist. Buyers prefer to see a person savvy in this area behind the counter.


To attract and retain customers, take care of discount cards. You can also issue gift certificates or cards that will also attract buyers to your department.
