
How to get a grant for small business development

How to get a grant for small business development

Video: Top 5 Grants To Start A Business (The BEST Small Business Grants) 2024, July

Video: Top 5 Grants To Start A Business (The BEST Small Business Grants) 2024, July

Starting your own business is quite difficult. After all, this requires solid financial injections. And they are often simply nowhere to take. Therefore, many young, but promising businessmen are trying to get a grant from the state to develop their business.


You will need

  • -business project;

  • -basic documents on the activities of your company

Instruction manual


To receive a grant for business development, you first need to find an announcement about the competition that has begun. This can be done in specialized publications and on the Internet. For example, on the sites: http://fasie.ru and http://astu.secna.ru. Here you can find out the conditions for participation in the contest and the cost of the prize. Send an application and start preparing for the competition.


After registering as a participant, start preparing your business project. Take special care and attention to this. After all, this is what you will present, and what you expect to receive money for. Remember that priority is given to such projects that are financially and economically feasible, represent technical or scientific novelty, and give the prospect of market or production development. Include in your detailed business plan a package of documents that will help you prove the feasibility of your business and its usefulness to society. Learn the rules of designing your work - for this or that contest they are their own.


Your entire prepared project is transferred to a professional and highly qualified commission. It consists of 2, 000 experts, most of whom (approximately 2/3) have academic degrees (candidates or doctors). Want to help yourself win a grant? Make mini presentations. Your task is to support your project. And you must do everything possible to get noticed.


You will be able to get a grant only if you have not already received cash benefits for the development of your business. Also, a grant will not be given to you if you are not legally the founder and owner of the business provided.


Money is not always allocated immediately. In some cases, even partial replacement in kind is allowed. If you need office equipment, then you can just give it out, and give the rest of the money.

Useful advice

Make the application for participation in the grant correctly. Indeed, according to the terms of the competition, you may be denied registration for inaccuracies.

Receiving a grant
