Business management

How to name a pharmacy

How to name a pharmacy

Video: Creative Pharmacy Names 2024, July

Video: Creative Pharmacy Names 2024, July

The pharmacy business brings its owners millions of dollars, especially when it comes to large pharmacy chains. People have always been sick, sick and will be sick, and most Russians do not save on their own health. The success of the new pharmacy will depend not only on its location, range and pricing policy, but also on the name chosen. What name will attract a steady flow of customers to your pharmacy ?


Instruction manual


Choosing a name for a new pharmacy is a rather complicated and responsible process. First of all, the name of the pharmacy must be unique, that is, it must not coincide with the names of other pharmacies in the city or large pharmacy chains. Before accepting this or that option, be sure to enter the name on Google to avoid duplicates. At the same time, the name should correspond to the subject of the medical business and cause positive emotions among visitors. Good options for the name can be "Health Bench", "Health Resort", "Our Pharmacy" and more.


When choosing a name, it is also important to consider its complexity. Too intricate and long names are poorly remembered and confused in the head. A good marketing name should be catchy, clear and easy to read. A person traveling at high speed in a car is unlikely to have time to read a name such as "Avicenna Pharmacy" or "Good Doctor Aibolit."


The name of the pharmacy can reflect the specifics of your new business. For example, if your pharmacy specializes in traditional medicine, then you can call it "The Healer" or "Zhivitsa." If your pharmacy differs from its competitors in low prices, then you can reflect this feature in the name, for example, “Cheap pharmacy” or “Low price pharmacy”. If you want to open a business-class pharmacy, you can call it "VIP Pharmacy" or "Elite Pharmacy".


The name of the pharmacy is not recommended to use the letters of the Latin alphabet, since the bulk of pharmacy clients are pensioners and people unfamiliar with foreign languages. The name should be clear to customers of different age categories.

Useful advice

If you can’t choose the right name on your own, you can contact the naming experts.

When choosing a name, it is necessary to take into account its future graphic performance.

pharmacy name
