
How to start your first business

How to start your first business

Video: Elon Musk on Millennials and How To Start A Business 2024, July

Video: Elon Musk on Millennials and How To Start A Business 2024, July

To start your business, you need to do a serious job: find funds for the purchase of equipment and materials, solve the problem with the premises, select staff, conduct an advertising campaign. Before starting work, everything should already be carefully planned and calculated - the only way you can avoid unpleasant surprises during work.


You will need

  • - newspapers with announcements;

  • - business plan.

Instruction manual


Choose the area in which you would like to open your own business. To do this, you need to analyze your capabilities - it is most likely to receive income from the business in which you are a specialist. To find out how full the market for such goods or services is, help newspapers and websites. It is enough for several weeks to look through the newspaper of ads in your city to understand how many competitors you will have and whether the service market is full of such offers.


Solve the issue of financing. Perhaps you have your own savings, or you plan to take a loan for your business. In addition, there are now special programs to support entrepreneurship: subsidies for starting your own business from an employment center (federal program), grants for beginning entrepreneurs (regional). You can find out what types of support are available in your city at your local entrepreneurship support center, business incubator, or other similar organization.


Write a business plan. A correctly drawn up plan is one of the most important components of a successful project. A business plan will help you calculate all the costs, consider the risks. You will be able to present your income in case of successful implementation of the project and expenses - if something goes wrong. In addition, in a business plan, you compare your products or services with products of other companies and can set a competitive and favorable price for you. You can ask a specialist to write a business plan, but it is better to do it yourself under his guidance. Only in this case, each figure, each item in the business plan will be clear to you.


Register as an LLC or IP. Decide which tax system you will use - you need to choose it already during registration.
