
How to take a place in the market

How to take a place in the market

Video: How To Place Your FIRST Forex Trade - (A BEGINNERS guide to Market / Limit / Stop orders) 2024, July

Video: How To Place Your FIRST Forex Trade - (A BEGINNERS guide to Market / Limit / Stop orders) 2024, July

To get a place in the market means for an entrepreneur engaged in trade to be able to sell their goods. To conclude an agreement with the market administration, you must first register yourself as a private individual entrepreneur or open an enterprise and register it as a legal entity.


Instruction manual


Decide which market category you want to get a trading place for. On the universal market, you can trade in both food and non-food products. Usually their area is quite large, as well as the number of tenants. In a specialized market, you can only trade one type of goods. Popular became "Weekend Fairs". They mainly sell agricultural and agricultural products and related products - seedlings, seeds and seedlings.


To conclude a lease, prepare a package of documents. You will need a certificate of registration of an entrepreneur or company, a certificate of tax registration and assignment of TIN, payment details certified by the seal of the bank in which the company account is opened. It will also be necessary to attach an order on the appointment of the head and an information letter from the statistical authorities with codes of economic activity, which indicate its type, such as trade.


In addition, you will need to purchase a cash register and attach a registration card or KKM passport to the package of documents if it is issued to the seller, as well as an agreement on the maintenance of this device. The quality of the goods sold must be confirmed by relevant documents: the conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the goods and the certificate of state registration of these products.


The package of documents necessary to take a place in the market should include labor contracts concluded with sellers and orders for their hiring, as well as medical books of sales personnel. In the event that migrants will work for you as sellers, you will need to attach permission to attract foreign labor.


The conclusion of Sanitary-Epidemiological Supervision will need to be drawn up if you intend to trade in food and beverages. If your goods will be children's toys, bedding and other linen, textbooks for children, perfumes and cosmetics, etc., you will need a conclusion on their compliance with sanitary standards issued by Rospotrebnadzor. Get a certificate of registration for products that may be dangerous to humans in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 262 and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 657.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 657
