
How to open a security company

How to open a security company

Video: Video 1: Intro To How To Successfully Start A Security Guard Company 2024, July

Video: Video 1: Intro To How To Successfully Start A Security Guard Company 2024, July

In modern times, property protection is of great importance. With the growth of small business and private property, an increasing number of objects are required for protection. Opening a security company is a profitable business. The success of this business depends on the range of services offered.


You will need

Security license

Instruction manual


Register at the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and register with the IMNS. Security license is issued only to those enterprises in which there are specially trained employees. To obtain it, you must have the following: a storage room for weapons, an office for concluding contracts with customers, special equipment (batons, gas cylinders, handcuffs). The weapons room must be built according to certain instructions. All walls, including the ceiling and floor must contain reinforcing grilles for security purposes from intruders. An armored door, an alarm system and a specially designed place for reloading weapons. After following these recommendations, you can open a security company and work.


The staff plays an integral part in the continuous operation of the company. It is advisable to open a security company with qualified management personnel: former employees of special services and internal affairs bodies. When hiring guards you need to consider their military skills. They must obtain a license and constantly improve their skills. You can train a future employee in a special training center, the cost of which ranges from 1000 r. After passing the training, the guard is issued a certificate for carrying weapons. Passing an exam in the licensed department of the Department of Internal Affairs gives the right to use weapons. The salary of an employee without a weapon is 7-10 thousand rubles. With weapons, the salary of the guard is 12-17 thousand rubles.


Finding customers is the most difficult task. Not having a customer base to open a security company is not profitable. The first customers are found among friends. Next, you need to conduct an advertising policy to expand the business, which depends on the reputation of a private security agency. In order to open a small security company, you need no more than $ 4000. The profitability of this business is 40%.


Before opening a security company, have a client base

Useful advice

Expand the range of services

how to open a security agency
