Business Communication and Ethics

How to tactfully refuse a regular supplier

How to tactfully refuse a regular supplier

Video: Politely refusing something – 16 – English at Work helps you make polite refusals 2024, July

Video: Politely refusing something – 16 – English at Work helps you make polite refusals 2024, July

Even business relationships, based primarily on benefits, imply some privileges for regular business partners with whom you have been linked for years of cooperation. In this case, rejection may be unpleasant for you, and at the same time, you want to maintain normal relations. The refusal to the permanent supplier to continue cooperation is most easily formalized in the form of a letter, eliminating the awkwardness of a personal explanation.


You will need

  • - A computer;

  • - form of your company;

  • - a printer;

  • - the envelope.

Instruction manual


It seems to be easier, you have found the same product at a better price, and you should refuse another supplier with whom you have long established business cooperation. But in this case, the usual phrases like "we are forced to refuse further cooperation" can be misinterpreted and perceived as an insult. In the business world, you should respect your partners and avoid a complete breakdown in relations, so you should write a letter of refusal in such a way as to leave the possibility of cooperation in the future, because it is possible that the terms of this cooperation can be changed to your advantage in the future.


First of all, you should tune in internally that you are not going to write anything bad, and refusing business communication does not mean any offense. Both you and your regular partners pursue your goals, they may or may not coincide, but each of you has the right to achieve them in any more profitable, optimal and rational ways. Your task is to refuse in the most tactful and correct manner. This is not so difficult to do.


When writing a waiver, personal addressing is especially important. Start it with this appeal: "Good afternoon, dear Ivan Ivanovich!". Be sure to thank the partner for those business offers that he sent to you, or for long-term cooperation. It is necessary here to make it clear that you have carefully studied these proposals or that this cooperation was useful to you. It is necessary that your addressee sees in the text those facts and words that are familiar to him. This confirms the sincerity of your words.


Turning actually to a refusal, it is necessary to clearly articulate both the refusal itself and the reasons that prompted you to reject the offer or suspend further cooperation. For example: "At present, we cannot accept your offer, because our company does not have the opportunity to purchase the offered goods at the indicated prices" or: "We are forced to temporarily refuse to cooperate with you on this issue, since we were offered more favorable conditions that would allow us to increase the efficiency of our company."


The letter of refusal should contain mention of alternative options for cooperation in the future: "We express hope that our cooperation will continue, and in the future we will remain partners and be able to implement several new projects."
