
How to make money on a stretch

How to make money on a stretch

Video: Double Your Income - How To Stretch Your Dollar 2024, July

Video: Double Your Income - How To Stretch Your Dollar 2024, July

Driving cars is a promising, but rather time-consuming type of business. To succeed in this matter, a wide range of knowledge and skills, both legal and technical, is needed.


You will need

  • - the Internet;

  • - advice auto mechanic;

  • - bank card.

Instruction manual


When planning to make money driving cars, study the current demand. The easiest way is electronic bulletin boards and newspapers. Browse through several sources and conclude which brand of car is now the most popular in your city. It is her that you will overtake.


In Russia there are at least two cities where acquiring cars is incomparably profitable. This is Moscow and Vladivostok. If you live, for example, in Lipetsk, then you are closer to go to Moscow for a car. The choice of the shortest route is due to several factors. Firstly, the less you drive, the less fuel you consume. Secondly, in the TCP all previous car owners and their place of residence are marked. The buyer, having looked at the documents for the car, will immediately understand what a huge path she has traveled. As a result, he may decide to buy it, or significantly knock down the price. Therefore, try to buy a car for sale as close to your city as possible.


An important issue in this business is the issue of security. If you have the opportunity to travel as a group, be sure to join your colleagues. Various difficulties may arise on the road. For example, a car is broken or stuck, you feel bad, you have been robbed, etc. When you are not traveling alone, you will always be helped.


In any car sales business, a technical background is welcome. This is especially true for the purchase and sale of used cars. After all, you are buying a used car, which means it has a lot of hidden defects. Inexperienced entrepreneurs who are superficial in their inspection of the car run the risk of not getting there to their destination. On the road, it can break down, and the cost of evacuation will nullify all the profits from its sale.


To avoid such troubles, invite a specialist mechanic with you or order inspection at a car service center. If the seller will offer you to visit a specific service station, do not rush to agree. Perhaps his friends work there. In this case, you will not receive reliable information about the state of the machine.


Separately, think about how you will carry the money to buy a car, and how you will pay the seller. Carrying the entire amount in cash is not recommended. It is better to put the necessary amount on your bank card, and after completing all the necessary documents, cash the money in the nearest ATM.

How to make money on driving cars from Vladivostok
