Business management

How to promote a business through the Internet

How to promote a business through the Internet

Video: How to promote business online |Promote business online |promote business |internet marketing 2024, July

Video: How to promote business online |Promote business online |promote business |internet marketing 2024, July

So, you decided to run your own business, registered it, found suppliers, delivered or produced goods, but there are no customers. Nobody knows you. You cannot go to an advertising agency, and it’s not profitable to hire your own SMM specialist, since you simply don’t have enough money yet. What to do in this situation? You can promote the business yourself, the main thing is to use all possible resources, including the Internet. This post will tell you what you can do, using the example of an online store.


If you don’t have a lot of capital to invest in advertising on TV, radio or to conclude a contract with an advertising agency, act through the Internet - it is much cheaper and more efficient.

Use all possible social networks, such as, for example, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Google+. Keep in mind that no one will find your online store if you do not disseminate information about it. In the social. networks you need to create public or groups that will describe the work of your store.

It is not necessary to have your own website to sell goods. You can simply create a group in VK and act through it. The name of the group or community should reflect the activities of your store, but at the same time be simple and understandable - so that even ignorant people want to come to you.


When you decide which social networks to attract customers through and create groups or communities there, think about what you want to tell potential consumers. What content will fill your group, what it will consist of. Will it be ordinary articles describing the product or colorful visualizations, photo reports. The consumer loves beautiful pictures and a detailed description of the product.

Content groups in social. networks should be attractive and understandable to a simple layman. Even if you sell any microcontrollers for technical devices, do not sprinkle in terms of right and left. So you only narrow down the circle of potential buyers to those who already use them, and a new customer base is not created. Beginners just do not understand what you offer them.

When you describe the product in more clear words, the chance to get a new customer increases. For example, the phrase "These microcontrollers are used to control various electronic devices. With the help of them you yourself can assemble your own robot at home!" sounds more attractive and understandable than "we sell microcontrollers."


Each post should have at least one picture. A high-quality picture, not a photo on the knee in poor resolution. The more emotional engagement a customer experiences, the more he will like your products. With bad photos or their absence, you only push the buyer away - no one likes to read one big text towel. Also, the picture allows you to see the post itself among others.

Try to make hashtags for each post, 3-5 will be enough. Thus, you group your products, by hashtags it is easier to find you.

Leave the contacts of your store in the social. the networks you are promoting. You should not write "All information you will find on our website …". Clients are too lazy to switch from one resource to another. Maybe they don’t have enough traffic, maybe they just have no time, but the essence is the same - you have lost a potential customer. Do not be lazy yourself and write down full information about the store: approximate prices, your contacts, opening hours, delivery and payment methods, etc.

Create a sense of vibrant activity in a group. Posts, albeit small, but of high quality, should be posted at least once a day. This may be a description of a single product, an announcement of new arrivals, thanks to suppliers, just pictures.

If you act through a group on VK, make discussions available. There, your customers will be able to ask their questions without clogging the wall. In the discussions you can describe in detail how delivery and payment take place, where you can deliver the goods, how long it takes.

How to attract people to the community? There are 4 ways, and 2 of them are free.


* it's free

  1. Ask friends and acquaintances to repost from your communities and subscribe to them. The more people in groups and publics, the easier it is to find them and the more attractive they become.
  2. Win the initial number of people on free resources, such as, for example, AddMeFast. Yes, there is a chance that some of the subscribers will come to you with blocked pages. There is an even greater chance that they will never use your services. However, you will still recruit people, and potential customers will be drawn into the community.

* it is not free

  1. Use online advertising through, for example, Google AdWords, advertising, or VKontakte advertising. It does not require millions of investments and will be quite effective if you enter the search keywords correctly. You can check them in WordStat.Yandex.
  2. Get followers through comment exchanges like QComment and wpcomment. There you can moderate the work of artists, set geo-targeting, make a restriction in the form of "only real active user pages without ads." You can also order likes, reposts, subscription and comments for your community there, unobtrusive mention in blogs and forums. Considering that for a customer, one subscriber on these sites costs about 2 rubles, this way of wrapping up will not cost much.

So, now you know what you need to do to promote the Internet. The main thing is to correctly draw up a schedule of work on promotion, then all these methods will work.
