
How to choose a construction company

How to choose a construction company

Video: Starting A Construction Company - 4 Step Checklist 2024, July

Video: Starting A Construction Company - 4 Step Checklist 2024, July

The choice of a construction company should always be taken with special attention. Poorly executed repairs can even lead to tragic consequences, and good work will please you for many years. The market for construction services today is quite saturated, so before concluding an agreement, take the time to pre-select a contractor.


You will need

  • - the Internet;

  • - legal verification of documents.

Instruction manual


Inquire about a construction company in publicly available sources. Check out the materials on the Internet, read the thematic forums. If you have friends who can recommend a company, the situation is much simpler.


Check the documents of the selected company. A construction company must have a license to carry out construction and finishing works. Verify the authenticity of the license in the database of the Federal Licensing Center of Rosstroy of the Russian Federation.


Inquire about the company's production facilities. It is better that the selected company acts as a general contractor for your work. However, a large company will necessarily have several subcontractors to carry out various types of work (for example, drilling, electrical or plumbing). The selected company should have the necessary machinery and equipment, and also have experience in resolving all administrative issues.


At the stage of signing the agreement, carefully read the documents. Give the lawyer a construction contract for professional analysis. A serious organization should have its own estimator, and the estimate for the work is carried out according to SNIPs. Before starting repairs and construction, make a work plan. At the end of each stage or the entire object, sign the act of delivery / acceptance of work performed.


Prices for construction services may vary by an order of magnitude depending on the selected company. Too low rates should alert you. Each type of work has its own price market minimum, so do your own cost research.

Useful advice

The best recommendation for choosing a construction company is already completed facilities. Having familiarized yourself with the finished work, you will not only be able to evaluate their quality, but also communicate with previous customers regarding their relationship with the construction company.
