
How to equip a cafe

How to equip a cafe

Video: Planning a New Cafe - Cafe Design & Workflow Advice 2024, July

Video: Planning a New Cafe - Cafe Design & Workflow Advice 2024, July

The service sector is a niche in which an entrepreneur can always find a place. Choosing a direction for the development of your business, you need to focus on demand. And the demand for quality food service points is at any time.


Instruction manual


The arrangement of the cafe must begin with the selection of a suitable or, as professionals say, “selling” place. Choose a room located in a public place. For example, it can be a shopping complex, an amusement park, a train station. You can also open a cafe in the sleeping area. It will be aimed at local residents who do not want to go to the center in the evenings on weekdays or on weekends to have a good time. A good option would be to place a cafe in a business center building. Many office workers will come here for lunch, and ordinary visitors will come in the evenings. If you focus only on local employees, the option of a cafe is a quick service.


Along with the choice of location, determine the specifics of your institution. If you focus on the middle class, a minimalist or classic design is suitable. The cafe in the sleeping area does not need a particularly original interior, but it should be very cozy and comfortable. The task of the cafe in the business center is to feed tasty and fast, but not distract from work. Therefore, it is better not to put a lot of TVs, soft enveloping chairs and a large bar. All this will interfere with the work of companies renting premises in the center. A fashionable establishment in the city center should amaze visitors, make them enter it, and not one of the ten located nearby. Therefore, arrange it in an original way, for example, in the form of the deck of a ship or a fairy forest, make the design themed.


Next, you need to start implementing ideas. Typically, cafe owners order design projects in studios specializing specifically in restaurants, coffee houses and other similar enterprises. You express your thoughts to the designer, he offers you a project that combines your wishes and functionality. However, such services are quite expensive. Therefore, if you have a small starting capital, find a private person offering design services, or create a room yourself. In the end, you can contact the designer only for the development of the layout, so that it meets the standards. Organize the performance yourself.


Pay great attention to the bar. Most often, it is the main component of your cafe at the first stage. The stand should be primarily comfortable and wide, the bartender's workplace must be well equipped.


Do not forget about quality cuisine. It’s better not to save on household appliances and cooks, because the main highlight of the cafe is its kitchen, and if you don’t have a good taste, no one will visit you constantly. For the first time, a room with tables can be equipped sparingly in the style of "necessary minimalism" and acquire new furniture as the cafe develops.
