
How to create a driving school

How to create a driving school

Video: Slav school of driving - driving instructor Boris 2024, July

Video: Slav school of driving - driving instructor Boris 2024, July

Opening a driving school is a perfectly acceptable business for those who wish to provide driving training services to the public. Such services, as a rule, are in demand at any time of the year and in any city. Indeed, for a modern person, the ability to drive a car is considered a rather important quality.


Instruction manual


Before you start creating a driving school, get a license to engage in educational activities. This is a rather lengthy process, which can drag on for six months. Therefore, you will have enough time to find and equip a room for classes, hire instructors and teachers and get a car.


You should know that the creation of a driving school requires not only a room for theoretical studies, but also an open area for driving practice. If you do not own a suitable territory, you will have to rent it. If possible, sign an agreement with another educational institution or rent one area for several driving schools.


The most expensive part of your business is the purchase of vehicles. All cars must be equipped with additional pedals, mirrors and identification marks. At the initial stage, you can hire instructors and teachers with their own cars, and then gradually introduce a school fleet.


If you plan to recruit one group (30 people) every three months, and it takes so long to study at a driving school, you will have to hire one theory teacher and 2-3 driving instructors. If the floor space allows, then several groups can be trained at the same time, but then the teaching staff must be increased. In the state of driving schools, you should take a mechanic who will be responsible for the maintenance of cars, as well as an administrator who will answer phone calls and record students on courses.


In addition, you should formalize a relationship with the traffic police. To do this, it is necessary to equip the class in accordance with the requirements of the Inspectorate, transfer lists of groups that are recruited to prepare for driving, and also organize the passing of the exam.

  • creation of a driving school in 2019
  • How to choose the right Driving School in 2019
