
How to avoid a fine for an unacceptable report in the FIU

How to avoid a fine for an unacceptable report in the FIU

Video: Q&A: The Science Behind Saving Biscayne Bay 2024, July

Video: Q&A: The Science Behind Saving Biscayne Bay 2024, July

What to do if you came to submit a report to the FIU, but the fund specialist does not accept it. And, as luck would have it, there is already no time to correct the report. How to avoid a fine?


You will need

Instruction manual


Usually I send reports by e-mail through specials. operator, but yesterday I had problems with EDS and I had to remember the good old days. There were times when I recalled that in general you need to take something on the last day - of course, it was no longer possible to prepare and submit reports on time. How to get out of this unpleasant situation?


Send by mail with a valuable letter with a list and notification. If you send a floppy disk, wrap it in a packet (in this case you will have to send it with a valuable first-class parcel, but this is not much more expensive - all together will cost between 200-250 rubles).


Keep an inventory, notice and cashier's checks - this is evidence of the timely submission of the report.


The date of submission will be considered the date of dispatch. If reporting is not ready at all, scatter the data in a hurry (approximately). Of course, it is better not to overstate the taxable amount of payments. Be sure to include a contact phone number.


If the report is whipped up without checking, of course, the FIU will not accept such a report - the fund specialist will contact you by phone and ask for an adjustment. But you will gain time and avoid a fine, because reporting will be delivered on time. And everyone has mistakes.
