
10 interesting facts about Bill Gates

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10 interesting facts about Bill Gates

Video: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Bill Gates 2024, July

Video: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Bill Gates 2024, July

Probably every person heard about the famous American entrepreneur and creator of Microsoft Bill Gates. We all know him as a successful businessman, a talented public figure and one of the richest people in the world. However, some facts of Bill Gates biography, which are of particular interest, are not widely publicized. But it is they who demonstrate the formation of his personality.


Fact 1: The funny nickname "Trey"

When Bill was very young, he was nicknamed Trey in the family. And to understand the meaning of this nickname, you need to delve into its semantics and etymology. It turns out that the English word "trey" symbolizes the number three when it comes to playing cards. From this it follows that in childhood, Bill is madly in love with card games. It was they who helped the boy at an early age to develop attentiveness, excellent memory and ingenuity.

Fact 2: Studying in the best school of the city

Since Bill Gates's parents were quite respected people in the city, they managed to enroll their child in Seattle's best school called Lakeside. At this school, Bill began to study programming and immediately realized that this is exactly what he would like to do throughout his life. The boy easily learned programming languages, and at the age of thirteen he had already created his own program, which allowed him to play the famous game “Tic Tac Toe” in everything. And just at this school, Bill Gates met his future partner at Microsoft, Paul Allen, who was much older than him. Nevertheless, the guys immediately began to be friends, create joint projects and engage in programming outside the classroom. Together, Bill Gates and Paul Allen invented the most popular software we use so far.

Fact 3: The Hooligan Past

As a child, Bill was a real bully. To create something new on school computers, he was not afraid to crack their programs, for which he was often punished. And once he was completely reprimanded and forbidden to train on school computers during the summer. In addition, devoting a lot of time to programming, Gates was not strong in many other subjects, especially humanitarian ones. He was given grammar and social science with extraordinary complexity.

Fact 4: Harvard Deduction

After graduation, Bill Gates was promised a great future, but at the very beginning of his higher education, he seemed to disappoint all his loved ones. He entered Harvard University, but studied there for only two years. Due to non-attendance of some classes and poor performance, Gates was expelled. However, this did not prevent him from self-education.

Fact 5: Police Issues

In 1975, Bill Gates exceeded the speed of traffic several times. And once the police completely arrested the programmer for the fact that he greatly exceeded the speed and was without a driver’s license at the time of their check. And as if he didn’t understand what his mistake was, so he tried his best to defend himself. But the police took this as a sign of protest, so Bill Gates had to spend some time in a cell with drunkards and alcoholics. A little later, Bill was arrested again. This time he drove a red traffic light.

Fact 6: A novel for life

There was only one love in Bill's life - Melinda French, whom he met at the press conference of his Microsoft company. Subsequently, it turned out that she had already worked for Gates for a long time, although he had not noticed her before. Their wedding was held in 1994, and since then the couple has lived a happy family life for many years, having three children.

Fact 7: Love of Art

Bill Gates is madly in love with creativity. That is why, having become rich, he bought one of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings, and then placed it in the museum of his hometown.

Fact 8: Atheistic Views

A well-known entrepreneur is an atheist, because, according to him, he does not know any facts of the existence of God. But Gates rarely advertises his religious views and never judges people by their religion.

Fact 9: Living in the House of the Future

Gates House is the world of the future. When guests come to him, they get an unusual electronic pin that remembers all his preferences in art, cinema and even cooking. For Bill, a house is much more than just personal space. This is a place where a businessman continues to work productively and do his favorite things.
