
How to start a project

How to start a project

Video: How to Start a Project - 5 Key Steps 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Project - 5 Key Steps 2024, July

Now more and more people are starting to open their own business. This may be the opening of a network of vegetable stalls, a small department of toys in a shopping and entertainment complex, or, for example, a sewing workshop. But before you start implementing your project, you need to take into account some nuances.


Instruction manual


First of all, decide on the direction of work. You need to understand which type of clothing is worth making. Of course, over time, production will expand, but you need to start with just one thing. You need to study the market, the ratio of supply and demand in order to find out which product is the most popular. In the case of the sewing workshop, a win-win option would be sewing outerwear.


Next, decide whether it will be a sewing workshop or whether it will be hired seamstresses who work at home. You can provide homeworkers with sewing machines and other necessary equipment and provide them with work, coming for finished products. However, it is likely that these machines will also be used for sewing "left" work. It would be better to open a sewing workshop, although this involves the appearance of new items of expenditure.


If your choice is your own workshop, then find a roomy room, divide it into zones: sewing workshop, cut-out, warehouse. You will also need utility rooms and a fashion designer’s office (in the future). Take care of equipping the workshop with equipment. In this case, these are sewing machines. It is recommended to start with 8-10 pieces. Still require overlocks, specialized presses, cutting knives. Installation for wet and heat treatment of products you will also need. You will buy the rest as production grows.


Pick up interesting models, watch the latest fashion shows, look for new items on the Internet. It is important to differ from other companies, regularly release new original product options. And so that your ideas remain within the walls of the workshop, it will be useful to establish control over negotiations. Indeed, even a single word spoken out of place can “let go” to the competitors the entire future collection.


To always be aware of what the workshop employees are doing at the workplace, install remote video surveillance. You just need to have a laptop or netbook with you and access to the Internet.

Useful advice

You should understand that in this case, the business is seasonal. Therefore, it is possible that in the so-called off-season you will have to look for alternatives to keep your business afloat.
