
How to increase sales in a crisis

How to increase sales in a crisis

Video: Coronavirus and Sales: How To SELL During A Crisis 2024, July

Video: Coronavirus and Sales: How To SELL During A Crisis 2024, July

In difficult times, people are not inclined to recklessly spend money for the sake of enjoying the shopping process. To increase sales, you need to convince potential buyers that it is during a crisis that the product is most needed. For such words, one must have good reason not to become a deceiver.


Instruction manual


Make a list of the new problems customers have encountered during the crisis. Pay attention to three types of problems: fear, lack of reserves and the search for a guru. Fear is like a toothache - quick release is required. Therefore, in difficult times, people are attracted by the opportunities associated with the word "fast." The lack of reserves makes people vulnerable, and they begin to clog the storerooms with what is on the market. Uncertainty about tomorrow forces us to look for gurus whose opinions can be relied upon. Listen to conversations - they reflect crisis problems. These are hot topics that need to be listed for further analysis.


Next to each item, write how the existing product can solve the problem. It is necessary to build a bridge between the natural state of buyers caused by the crisis and what you can offer. Do not think that buyers themselves will guess why the goods are needed right now, conscientiously do this part of the work. We must come to people with ready-made solutions that are consonant with the current situation. It may look something like this: "People don’t know whether they will receive a salary tomorrow. As long as there is money, you need to make a stock of soap for the year ahead and live in peace, even if salary delays begin."


For each decision, come up with a stock that reflects the benefits of acquiring the product. It is important to find the right words so that in an understandable language to convey the idea to the emotional crowd. Make the crisis an ally, as if preparing for this time. Highlight current issues and promise a way out. The action may sound like this: "In this store, buyers are calm during the crisis. They make important stocks and receive anti-crisis discounts."


Find places where people who have found problems are present in large numbers. These are not necessarily large city squares where potential buyers gather. Look for the newspapers they read, their usual places on the Internet, etc. Careful work is needed here: the more you find the crowded places of the right people, the greater the chance of getting in their eyes.


Conduct an advertising campaign in promising places to attract customers to interesting promotions. Good preparation made in the previous steps will ensure the effectiveness of advertising investments.
