
How to make money on March 8th flowers

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How to make money on March 8th flowers



March 8 - International Women's Day. Many women receive flowers on this occasion as a sign of attention. On the other hand, this holiday is a great reason to make some money. What is the most popular gift? Of course, flowers! You can make good money on them that day.


In addition to snowdrops, tulips are considered to be a symbol of the coming spring. Neat, romantic flowers, which, as a rule, are usually given for March 8th. Experienced entrepreneurs already buy flowers in advance, prepare promotions in order to start selling on time.

The peak of selling flowers falls on three days: the day before, on the holiday itself (when prices naturally rise), the day after, when you can already make a discount.

Earnings, according to statistics, can range from 1, 500 rubles. up to 100 000 rub. (you can earn more, but investments must be serious). Even students can make some money.

Who to cooperate with and where to buy?

Sellers and suppliers are already preparing for cooperation in advance. Additional warehouses are being rented; wholesale prices and packaging are being monitored. It’s better to buy lots of flowers in advance in bulk or make an order, because before the holiday, prices soar. If you buy flowers in advance, then you need to store them in special refrigerators, otherwise freshness will be at a low level.

It is better to start buying flowers two weeks before the holiday, this is the so-called middle ground. This time, the flowers are stored calmly, if all conditions are met. The optimum temperature is 5-7ºС maximum. Flowers are stored without water and packed in individual packaging, which must not be removed. It is better to stack them not on top of each other, but to place them on the surface. Three days before the holiday, flowers should be put in water. And do not forget about cutting the legs of the flowers, otherwise they will not live even two hours, because the foot is clogged and the flower cannot receive water.

Do I need an IP design?

Usually for 3 days it makes no sense to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can sell flowers legally and illegally.

Illegal sale of flowers

We buy in bulk a batch of tulips, we sell anywhere. Remember the people at the stops at the malls. Of course, any police officer may ask you for documents. If such a situation has occurred, then the first time you can get off with a warning, and then there is a fine from 500 to 2500 rubles. It is better to pre-collect the order through your friends and acquaintances, while taking an advance payment so that in case of refusal, the money is not lost.

Typically, tulips are packed in 20 pieces per pack. 100 pieces. tulips for a wholesale base - this is not wholesale, so the price can be slightly overpriced. Arrange in advance.

Legal sale of flowers

A permission to trade in the administration is taken (for 3 days they give in this case free of charge). Seats, as a rule, are issued already prepared in advance. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance. Or rent a plot on the market or in a shopping center.

Quality of flowers, varieties

A good tulip crunches when you click on a pack. If no crunch is heard, the flowers will not be able to be stored for a long time. You can remove the packaging when the tulip is fully drunk, it will be strong and firm before selling. Flowers are sensitive to light: they become soft, begin to bend.

The most popular flowers are Strong Gold (yellow), Lalibella (orange), Kung Fu (pink), Barcelona (lilac).
