
How to search for oil from space

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How to search for oil from space

Video: Minecraft- Space Astronomy (51) SEARCHING FOR OIL 2024, July

Video: Minecraft- Space Astronomy (51) SEARCHING FOR OIL 2024, July

Oil - a fossil substance, which is an oily combustible liquid. Oil deposits are found at depths from several tens of meters to 5-6 kilometers. Now the issue of oil production from space is acute


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According to experts, oil reserves on Earth will come to an end in the next 70-100 years and scientists are already looking for an alternative to "black gold". True, among them there are those who believe that in the future humanity will be able to produce the same oil in space.


If you believe the information received from the NASA Cassini probe studying the Titanium for several years, in its bowels there are giant hydrocarbon reserves that are many times greater than the Earth's.

Titanium is one of the most interesting space objects in our solar system. It is 1.5 times the moon and more than 80 percent heavier. Also, Titan, unlike most other uninhabited planets and satellites, has a dense atmosphere, almost entirely consisting of nitrogen. By the way, the Earth’s atmosphere is also 78% nitrogen and is not so much different from titanium. The air pressure on the satellite of Saturn is again similar to Earth and exceeds it by only 1.5 times.

However, the most important similarity between Titan and our planet is the presence of seas, rivers and lakes on its surface. True, instead of water there is gas methane in them, but there is real water on the satellite of Saturn. Its exact amount is unknown, only the fact is known that it is in a frozen state. This is explained quite simply - in view of the great distance from the Sun, the temperature on the surface of Titanium varies greatly during the day and can drop even to -180 degrees Celsius. It is worth noting that, despite such temperature differences, scientists consider Titan the most suitable cosmic body after Earth, for the existence of life.

All this makes Titan the most suitable planet for creating space bases and possible future colonization. The hydrocarbon reserves will be enough for hundreds, if not thousands of years, but bases built deep underground will save from low temperature. It is believed that already at a depth of a couple of kilometers the temperature will be quite habitable. It is also likely that at the same depth water may be in a liquid state. It is possible to get oxygen on Titan just like it is done on the ISS. Thus, there is every reason to believe that in the next hundreds of years there will be more on one inhabited planet (even a satellite) in the solar system. In the future, Titan may become a kind of supplier of the most important natural resources necessary for the Earth.
