Business Communication and Ethics

How to write a letter to a partner

How to write a letter to a partner

Video: Writing your Love Letter to attract your partner 2024, July

Video: Writing your Love Letter to attract your partner 2024, July

Business correspondence is an integral part of the work process. Messages must be composed in such a way that, in the event of publication, they do not have to blush for the free syllable and errors. The letter to business partners should contain a greeting, be written in essence and end with a detailed signature.


Instruction manual


If you do not know when the recipient will read the letter, write in the greeting "Hello" or "Good day."


Choose a standard font and black color letters. Multi-colored words are not easy to read, they distract attention and do not allow you to understand the essence of the text. If you want to highlight a phrase, write: "I draw your attention to that …"


Address a person by name, and a higher-ranking person - by name and patronymic. Before contacting, write "Dear …" Business correspondence can get on the table to the director, therefore it is better to avoid diminutive and vernacular expressions.


Turning to the partner, write the words "You", "You", "Your" with a capital letter. If the letter is addressed to several people - use lowercase.


The subsequent text should be written correctly, in simple sentences, without the use of words that may not be known to the partner. If the text contains technical terms or foreign expressions, be sure to decipher them.


Start the letter with a summary of the problem, and then ask questions of interest.


Try to keep within 1/3 of A4 sheet in 12th font. Volumetric messages are perceived hard, they are not read to the end or miss whole sentences. If you need to report a lot, break the information into several letters or attach a file with a detailed description. If the information is important to the recipient, he will certainly open the attachment.


At the end of the business letter, write "Regards, first name and surname." If the correspondence is via e-mail, make a signature that will accompany all messages. Indicate the following information: - last name, first name, if necessary - middle name; - position; - name of organization; - address; - telephone - work and mobile; - additional information - slogan, wish, etc., if required by the corporate style.
