
How to organize the production of packages

How to organize the production of packages

Video: Organizing Production 2024, July

Video: Organizing Production 2024, July

The production of packages is attractive because it does not require expensive imported equipment - the necessary line of domestic production will cost you not at all so expensive. And even taking into account the fact that you most likely have to order raw materials for the manufacture of polyethylene products abroad, it can be said that it is difficult to find a less expensive type of industrial production today.


You will need

  • - permission of the local administration, fire inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and environmental services;

  • - a set of equipment (extrusion and flexographic);

  • - premises in the industrial zone of the city from 100 square meters;

  • - An agreement on the supply of raw materials for polyethylene production.

Instruction manual


Obtain permits for the organization of polyethylene production - coordinate the project with the department of architecture and urban planning of the local administration, seek permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the environmental service. The preliminary consent of all regulatory bodies gives the "green light" only at the beginning of work on the equipment of production - numerous checks will be forthcoming. Particular attention should be paid to the problem of recycling industrial waste - if you fail to cope with this task, you can get a “disqualification” from several inspection services at once.


Explore the market for the extrusion equipment you need and evaluate various offers. New domestic equipment can be equated to used equipment imported - both in terms of efficiency and affordable price. What to stop on is up to you, the option with new imported equipment differs in cost from the first two by several times, and not everyone can afford such a luxury at the start.


Look for a room away from residential areas of the city, but without any difficulties with access roads (including for freight vehicles). The organization of polyethylene production requires serious areas - you will have to consider options from 100 square meters and 8 meters in height. It is also mandatory to provide an area for a warehouse - finished products, and especially industrial raw materials, will occupy a lot of space.


Conclude a contract for the supply of granular polyethylene of various grades - it will be he who will act as the main raw material for the production of bags. Many polyethylene industries purchase raw materials outside the former USSR and have established long-term relations with foreign suppliers. It is possible that at present there are already quite a few offers in all respects from suppliers of polyethylene in Russia and Ukraine, but in this case you will have to act for some time by trial and error until an acceptable option is found.

Useful advice

Even at the stage of production organization, look for corporate customers - companies that use plastic bags with their logo in their work (for example, large retail chains), the presence of such orders at the beginning of work will provide your company with stable earnings and opportunities for further development.

Should I start a business for the production of polyethylene products
