
How to open a labor exchange

How to open a labor exchange

Video: AAE Enrollment and Creating a Service 2024, July

Video: AAE Enrollment and Creating a Service 2024, July

Labor exchange can become a profitable business. During periods of falling employment, people will come to you in search of jobs and open vacancies. Employers will also need your help finding people to fill posts.


You will need

  • - Starting budget;

  • - good marketing;

  • - premises;

  • - job seekers.

Instruction manual


Think about your finances. If you need start-up capital, talk to the Small Business Administration. While they are discussing the decision to grant you start-up capital, they may refer you to other organizations that can also help you.


Discuss the pricing structure (for staff searches) with familiar specialists in your area. You can also analyze the work of other enterprises and employment agencies.


Contact your county lawyer office to discuss legal issues that must be in place before you start a business. For example, which license do you need?


Decide where your company office will be located. The place should be convenient for applicants. Of course, you will bear the costs before the business begins to make a profit, so try to act promptly.


Contact your local telephone company. You will need a dedicated telephone line for business. It may also be useful voice mail or answering machine to receive requests from new customers. Allow enough time for marketing. Make an effort to find employees who are well suited to work.


Place ads on newspapers, as well as on the Internet. This will attract people who are looking for work. Let your employees also search for customers for a separate fee.


Register at your local chamber of commerce. This will help you in promoting an employment exchange. Visit local businesses. Explain the benefits of using your company’s services. Organize job fairs and organize organization meetings as well as open house days. All this will help in the future prosperity of your labor exchange.

Individual enterprise and its creation.
