
How to promote your ideas

How to promote your ideas

Video: How to get your ideas to spread | Seth Godin 2024, July

Video: How to get your ideas to spread | Seth Godin 2024, July

If you are not only a meek performer of other people's instructions, but also gushing with ideas yourself, then you probably should have faced the fact that others are wary of everything new. Therefore, any, even a very good idea needs to be promoted. But how to implement it correctly?


You will need

Commercial offer, price lists.

Instruction manual


To believe and stretch after you, do not scatter empty words. If you catch a fire on something, check your development personally before you go with a general idea to a potential partner or sponsor.


To successfully promote your ideas, enclose them in a material form. Make a commercial offer where you describe the advantages of your own “idea”, think and write down the price list, try to answer possible questions that an interested person may ask you. If you "mumble", you are unlikely to be taken seriously and listened to at best.


When agreeing to meet with a potential partner or client, and at the most important rendezvous for you, speak politely, clearly and without unnecessary emotions. Experienced businessmen feel right through a person, and if you know that your idea is not perfect, they will understand this from your behavior.


Offering their ideas is only for those people who are really interested. Try to start with friends, but only those who can give practical advice and to whom your thoughts may be useful. Do not shake the air just like that, sharing your best practices with anyone. You just spend your time and nerves, and at the output your story will not give anything.


After your friends express a personal opinion about your project, draw your conclusions. Perhaps, really, it is necessary to think up something. If everything is fine, offer an idea to those with whom you see your further interaction. But just keep in mind that, for example, the founder of a bun bun company would hardly be interested in an offer for an economical roofing, etc.


Remember the most important thing: do not trust anyone. When you first meet a person who could support your idea financially or in some other way, do not open all the cards at once. Otherwise, there is a risk that someone else is using your thought, without even saying "thank you."
