
How to open a nanny agency

How to open a nanny agency

Video: Starting a Nanny Business (You can do it!) 2024, June

Video: Starting a Nanny Business (You can do it!) 2024, June

The service sector promptly responded to the "baby boom" of recent years. Despite this, the niche of services for nannies and governesses has not yet been oversaturated, and a successful business project can be successfully implemented in the field of services for working mothers. However, the profitability of the project will depend not only on efficiency. Before you start writing a business plan, you need to do some good preparatory work.


You will need

  • - analysis of consumer demand;

  • - market analysis (number of competitive organizations and approximate turnover);

  • - business plan;

  • - start-up capital;

  • - a package of documents for registration of IE, LLC, etc. (application in the approved form, the original and a copy of the charter, minutes of the founding meeting, documents on opening a current account, receipt of payment of state duty).

Instruction manual


Analyze consumer demand for babysitting services in your locality. To obtain accurate data, you will also need birth statistics for the last 5-7 years. Remember that the insufficient number of kindergartens in the region is a positive factor that promises the profitability of the project. Also at hand will be the absence or insufficient number of competitors. The analysis of market participants should be carried out in detail: the estimated turnover of the enterprise, the number of orders per month, the number of employees, regional fame, etc.


Start preparing a business plan. According to market participants, the nanny selection agency does not require large start-up investments. Depending on the region, they can range from 250-500 thousand rubles. This amount includes: rental of premises for 3 months, payroll for full-time employees (director, coordinator, secretary), advertising costs and other expenses. The payback period of the agency, as a rule, is no more than 2 years.


Develop a contractual policy for the future enterprise. The experience of market participants shows that the best option is to sign a contract for the provision of services. Some nannies register an IP, but this practice is typical for large cities. Labor relations between the two enterprises are preferable in those cases when trust relations are established between the agency and employees.


Prepare a package of registration documents for submission to the Tax Administration, and submit them to the department of the department at the place of residence. The agency that provides babysitting services does not require licensing, but the experience of market participants shows that not all enterprises manage to maintain the profitability of the project only on these services. In advance, add to the list of activities for the provision of tutors, carers, etc. After receiving the certificate, you can rent an office, recruit staff, start an advertising campaign and get started.

nanny business plan
