Business management

How to determine the size of the organization

How to determine the size of the organization

Video: Identifying Your Organization-Wide Strategies 2024, July

Video: Identifying Your Organization-Wide Strategies 2024, July

An enterprise in a market economy is the main link in social production. It is a separate business unit, which is created to achieve a specific goal - as a rule, this is income generation. All enterprises vary in size.


Instruction manual


Determining the size of the enterprise is quite simple. In accordance with Russian standards, they are divided into small, medium and large. Large enterprises, as a rule, specialize in the production of standard products in bulk, thereby achieving leadership in the fight against competitors. Medium-sized enterprises most often specialize in the production of narrow-purpose products. They maintain their market position due to the possession of unique technologies. Small enterprises usually produce products in which they introduce various innovations.


The size of an enterprise can be determined if the number of its employees is known. Small enterprises are those with 50 or less employees. The middle ones include those with 50-500 employees. Large enterprises with more than 500 workers are considered large. At the same time, large enterprises — over 1000 employees — are singled out as a separate group.


The number of employees is the most acceptable sign of determining the size of enterprises. It is very closely related to their industry affiliation. As a rule, enterprises of ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering are large and very large. In the light and food industries mainly medium-sized enterprises work, in the woodworking and clothing industries - medium and small. The leading role in the national economy belongs to large enterprises, despite the fact that their number is small. In Russia, the bulk of the economy is occupied by small and medium enterprises.


The criterion for determining the size of the enterprise can serve as the volume of products or services. It is usually used in the classification of supply and trading organizations.


Currently, great support is being given to small businesses. In addition to the number of employees, there are other criteria for classifying enterprises as small. In their authorized capital, the share of entities not related to small businesses (legal entities and state organizations) should not exceed 25%.
