
How to open a bakery

How to open a bakery

Video: How to start a bakery Top 10 things to know 2024, July

Video: How to start a bakery Top 10 things to know 2024, July

Creating your own bakery is a fairly reliable and very promising type of business, thanks to the constant steady demand for bakery products. In the Russian Federation, the share of private bakeries is only about 12-13 percent. In Europe, their share is more than 70 percent. Consequently, the potential of this market in our country is simply enormous. Below we will walk you through the steps to open your own private bakery and make the most profit from it.


Instruction manual


Buy all the necessary equipment. Be sure to purchase a dough divider, proofer, flour sifter and oven. It will be cheaper to order this kit abroad. Russian manufacturers pretty much overstate the price of these products.


Decide on the location. To do this, you can seek help from the guild of bakers and pastry chefs. This company can tell you the best option, without finding nearby direct competitors.


Find a suitable room. First of all, it must be suitable for sanitary standards. Therefore, you will have to work hard. You can contact the Department of Small Business Support, and perhaps you will be provided with the necessary premises for a bakery.


Make, if necessary, major repairs in the room so that it is brought in accordance with the norms and requirements of SES. There should be a waterproof floor, shower, sink, toilet. Separate the warehouse for raw materials and flour, whitewash the ceilings and tile the walls.


Register the company at the appropriate authorities. Take this assignment seriously so as not to lose a lot of time. Collect all the necessary documents in the shortest possible time.


Search for staff. To select the right team, you can contact, for example, a recruiting agency. The staff should consist of at least a technician, a cleaning lady, responsible for the purchase and sale, a baker-technologist.


Arrange with cafes, restaurants and shops for the subsequent sale of your products. Your subsequent profit will depend on these negotiations. Well, now that all the most difficult is behind us, you can relax a little. If you did everything as described above, the income will not be long in coming. It remains to congratulate you on the opening of your own private bakery and wish you good luck in developing this business.
