
How to start doing business

How to start doing business

Video: How to Start a Business 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Business 2024, July

Even disciplined workers sometimes catch themselves thinking that they are wasting time. This does not mean that they are not doing anything, but the deadlines are running out, and priority tasks seem unbearable. Another reason for the delay is the habit of working in an emergency mode, when the appearance of high labor efficiency is created.


Instruction manual


Remove items that provoke outsiders to do something. Hide pens, a diary, a cell phone, etc. on the table. If you don’t need a computer for the basic business, turn it off. Such actions are uncomplicated and resemble restoring order. People who are prone to procrastinate resort to this method to delay the implementation of the necessary actions. Now you are doing the same thing - everything is familiar - but purposefully removing possible interference.


Get rid of the chaos in your thoughts and tune in to one task. For some, the repetition of motivating phrases helps: "At two o'clock I will do the main thing. At two o'clock I will stop procrastinating." If this method does not work and your thoughts fly apart, try to write down the necessary phrases. All the same, do not do business, so write the same thing 100 or 200 times until you concentrate your attention in one direction. Accept the fact that you can’t get off the main thing.


Break the target into small, easily feasible stages. The smaller the partition, the easier it is to start. So that work on the goal goes faster, do not plunge into small details, like in a swamp, otherwise you will be wasting time. Break the target into three to four stages. Then break each point into three or four, etc. Then do not get confused and get to the right level of detail.


Create a work schedule and set a reward for yourself. This is also easy to do, because people who waste time love planning. This leads to a pleasant self-delusion: after all, a plan is necessary, but you can not start a business. As in the first step, you purposefully perform the usual actions.


Turn on the timer and arrange a competition. You can use the internal timer on your mobile phone or computer. The third step turned out to be small tasks that can be completed in a few minutes or hours. If you don’t feel like doing anything, sit and watch how time is running out. Think of the reward you identified in step four. Because the plan is simple, it’s easier to start and quickly finish a small business than to aimlessly look at the timer.


It may seem that the procedure is too long. But, repeating it several times, you will start running steps in minutes and quickly get into work.
