
How to organize a magazine

How to organize a magazine

Video: Control Magazine Clutter | How to organize + store magazines 2024, July

Video: Control Magazine Clutter | How to organize + store magazines 2024, July

The organization of a magazine, like any other type of entrepreneurial activity, makes a person responsible to the administration of a city or the whole state. In addition to many standard legal issues, you will have to show your organizational and creative abilities and capabilities.


You will need

Artists, typesetters, editors and a bit of luck

Instruction manual


Understand accounting. Before proceeding to the "main course", it is worth settling all issues with the tax inspectorate and government agencies. Depending on the scale of distribution of the magazine, you will need a different set of references and documents. In any case, start with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, the first option would be a little easier to draw up, but this is far from always possible for your chosen type of activity.



Go to the city administration. Here you need to get permission to issue a magazine. Try to immediately make the government an ally and partner, not an enemy. For example, offer free advertising to government agencies (such as the labor exchange) in your journal, or to cover important topics from an administration’s point of view. If senior officials will be interested in the release of your magazine, believe me, it will definitely come out.


Find sponsors. You cannot instantly start living at the expense of advertisers. About six months you will increase your credibility and popularity. Up to this point, someone should keep an editorial office and pay for the print and distribution of the magazine. If you don’t have that kind of money, then you should look for people who would be interested in cooperation. It can be large shopping centers, company stores or officials already mentioned.


Pick up staff. Those people who will work in your editorial office will determine the face of your magazine. Competently treat the choice of layout designers, designers and journalists. At first, you can use the services of freelancers, selecting high-quality and reliable personnel. But be aware that when you spot a good journalist or artist, you must offer him a full-time job as soon as possible before your competitors have done so.



Build relationships with city printing houses. As a rule, the main expense item for a magazine is printing. High-quality paint, expensive paper, a large number of pages - all this has a huge price, and your task is to reduce it as much as possible. Try to offer the printing house the most prestigious place in your magazine for the print of their advertising, sign a long-term contract for the use of services at a fixed price. In this case, they will be confident in the constancy of the client, and you - in the invariability of low prices.

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