Business management

How to promote a book

How to promote a book

Video: Book Promotion - How to promote your book without spending any money 2024, July

Video: Book Promotion - How to promote your book without spending any money 2024, July

You wrote a book, your relatives and friends read it. What's next? How to make other people know about her? Every author wants to be appreciated. A book is a product, although it is a product of a special kind, and therefore needs advertising and promotion, like other goods. However, to promote a book, it is necessary to understand the specifics of promoting such products.


Instruction manual


It is important for an author who wants to promote his book to understand that a book is a special product that most people need (nevertheless, most people read at least occasionally), but not essential goods. A person will spend money on a book when his more important needs (food, clothing, etc.) are satisfied. A book is one of the ways to have a good time. Therefore, the promotion of books - affairs is rather complicated and slow. Your book can lie on store shelves for a rather long time, without being in special demand. In general, this situation is normal, there are a lot of books, and it is difficult to achieve dizzying demand for your own book. However, in order to find out about you and buy a product for your work, it is important to think not only about publishing a book and selling it to stores, but also about advertising. It should be prepared that an advertising campaign for a book is not cheap.


You already made the very first advertisement yourself when you gave your relatives and friends to read the book. Do not underestimate the importance of word of mouth - often we buy books on the recommendations of friends.


Each, even a small bookstore, has a special shelf for sales leaders. You have probably noticed more than once that little-known authors lie on it. And even more so, you had to notice that many of them are primarily suitable for this particular shelf. Securing your book’s place on this shelf or under the “recommend” bookstore icon can be a powerful advertising move.


Many of us love to read on public transport. This is an ideal place to advertise books. A bright advertising poster of your book with a catchy phrase from it will attract the attention of potential readers.


The above methods are undoubtedly very expensive. Not all authors can afford, for example, metro advertising. There are other, less costly and less standard methods of advertising. For example, you can place a chapter from a book on reputable Internet resources. Those who like the chapter in your book may buy the whole book.


A good way to promote a book is a performance at a literary evening, a meeting of readers with writers. This is not the most popular event, but such meetings can be arranged, for example, in large bookstores. Sometimes several authors organize such meetings.


You can bind several copies of the chapter of your book and arrange with small coffee houses about the possibility of placing these chapters in the same place where free magazines are usually placed. Many people like to read over a cup of coffee or while waiting for an order. Perhaps they are interested in your book, not magazines.
