
How to open your newspaper

How to open your newspaper

Video: How to open a beer bottle with a newspaper | Pub Tricks 2024, July

Video: How to open a beer bottle with a newspaper | Pub Tricks 2024, July

When compiling a business plan for a printed publication, you need to remember that it is difficult to calculate its subsequent payback and in many respects you have to rely on luck. The success of a new newspaper can not always be predicted, since the role of the creative component is great in it, and sometimes it cannot be bought for money. If, nevertheless, it turns out to “spin up” your newspaper, it will bring very tangible income.


You will need

  • 1. The original concept of the publication, expressed in its title
  • 2. Certificate of registration of IP, LLC or agreement with the organization (entrepreneur), which will act as the founder
  • 3. The layout of the first issue of the newspaper, made by a professional designer-typesetter
  • 4. The contract with the printing house for the provision of printing services
  • 5. Arrangement with a distribution network or individual distributors of printed materials

Instruction manual


Come up with a concept that would become the foundation for the further building of the print publication, treat it as one of the most important components in the entire process of creating a newspaper. The idea for a new newspaper should be such that it can attract and captivate hundreds of potential readers. Seeing your target audience even before the publication of the print publication is what everyone who has the intention of creating it needs.


Feel free to register your newspaper if you already have that very ingenious concept in your head. Registration of the newspaper in the bodies of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications is mandatory only if its circulation reaches 1000 copies. The founder can be both a private and a legal entity - for conducting "white" accounting and obtaining official status, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur.


Gather and prepare for printing the first issue - it’s hardly worth it to immediately form the editorial board of the newspaper you just invented. The need for staffing may or may not be - it all depends on what kind of newspaper you decide to publish. Almost all areas of work on the number (writing text materials and creating photo materials, proofreading, layout and design of the number) can be outsourced.


Choose a printing house with which you will cooperate, while taking into account both the technical capabilities of the printing house and its pricing for the provision of printing services. Even before you get the finished circulation in your hands, try to organize and plan its implementation, whether it is the sale of newspapers or their free distribution. Remember that advertisers will be interested in your publication only if the latest issue diverges instantly and turns out to be desirable (pleasant or useful) for hundreds of hands and eyes.

Useful advice

If the publication of the newspaper is your own undertaking, in no way connected with the founder’s policies or commercial interests, then only advertising can be the main source of income, and the total cost of the sold circulation does not always pay off even the cost of its publication.

Try to entrust the layout of the newspaper to a trustworthy professional, and not to the “freelancer” from the big road, as mistakes made by the layout designer can ruin the entire print run, which you will have to pay in any case.
