
How to open a handmade store

How to open a handmade store

Video: Start a Handmade Jewelry Business Online in 2021 2024, July

Video: Start a Handmade Jewelry Business Online in 2021 2024, July

Handicrafts have been appreciated at all times. And today, given the tendency of increased attention to the individual, the desire to emphasize individuality in a certain way, man-made things remain in the sector of popular and well-bought goods. Not fading interest in original products gives the right to assert that “hand made” business is one of the most promising. And many enterprising people set themselves the goal - to open a handmade shop.


Instruction manual


Conduct a study on the demand for handmade products in the region (city, district) where you live. What are the things that interest the population most (clothing, embroidery, knitting, candles, soap, beadwork, etc.). When researching, do not disregard such a moment as the presence (or absence) of competitors in this field of entrepreneurship in a given territory. If there are competitors, study their working methods, marketing moves, design of stores (departments), etc. Take their experience into service.


Start your search for people who make handicrafts and want to sell their creations. Negotiate with them, discuss terms of cooperation. Talk to them correctly, do not put pressure on them and do not dictate your conditions, and be able to listen to their wishes. With those with whom you were able to negotiate, and whose products will, in your opinion, have customer demand, begin to draw up contracts.


Find a storeroom. Given the specifics of your products, its location in places of mass celebrations will be just perfect. A good option is to rent a few square meters in a large department store or shopping center. Make a rental space in accordance with all the rules.


Hurry to the tax office. Consult a consultant for help; usually his services are free. He will explain to you what documents you must provide in order to become an individual entrepreneur. It will answer your questions that you most likely will have. The procedure is simple, you just have to go through it.


Engage in the purchase of furniture, accessories. You can do the design of your store yourself, or you can invite a professional designer and rely on his taste. In any case, he will coordinate with you his ideas and their implementation, and you have every right to agree with them or reject them.


Puzzled by the selection of staff. If you decide to stand behind the counter yourself and conduct bookkeeping and conduct advertising campaigns, the question of personnel disappears. But your business can expand over time, and then you cannot do without assistants. Look for decent people with a good reputation, professionals, so you definitely save yourself a headache. Of course, they will have to pay more than random people "from the street", but it's worth it. You will see this more than once in the process.


Do not neglect advertising, otherwise people will find out about your store. It is not necessary to immediately spend a lot of money on advertising companies. Enough ads in the local press, on the radio, on TV (the running line costs quite a bit). Order small flyers, put them in stores in your city, place them on bulletin boards, at public transport stops, etc. In the store itself, you can organize a studio called "Master for an hour" or "Do-it-yourself", in which visitors can learn how to do some kind of crafts themselves. This will attract buyers, because they will talk about your store with the studio to all their friends.


Create an online store. Post news, photos of handicrafts, names of authors, organize contests with prizes. Constantly update information. Organize online sales.


For some handicrafts (for example, soap), a registration certificate and a declaration of conformity must be issued. Always keep this in mind.

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