
How to get an NCO

How to get an NCO

Video: My story of becoming a NCO in the Army 2024, July

Video: My story of becoming a NCO in the Army 2024, July

Non-profit organization (non-profit organization) is an organization that does not set as its goal the profit. NPOs can be created to protect health, develop sports, and achieve scientific, educational, managerial, cultural, charitable, social, and other goals.


You will need

  • - constituent documents;

  • - documents of an individual or legal entity.

Instruction manual


To register a non-profit organization, convene a constituent assembly and confirm on it the intention to create NPOs, as well as accept and approve the Charter and constituent documents: a constituent agreement, a general meeting agreement or an owner’s decision to create.


Make sure that the documents contain the name of the organization, the procedure and conditions for joining and leaving an NPO, the place of the institution, sources of property formation and information on its use in case of liquidation of the organization.


If you are creating a non-profit organization as an individual, prepare the following documents: two copies of your passport; letter of guarantee addressed to the registration authority. Also write down the zip code of the place of registration, consider the name of the NPO (this is the proposed name, in the future it will be discussed in the Ministry of Justice). If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, also prepare a translation certified by a notary public of the main document proving the identity in your country of residence.


If you are a legal entity and intend to register an NPO, prepare a copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity, a copy of the certificate that you are registered with the tax authorities. As well as an extract from the unified register of legal entities (its prescription should not exceed 14 days from the date of receipt), a copy of the first two pages of the passport of the CEO, as well as the zip code of the place of registration.


Contact the territorial authority of the Ministry of Justice and provide them with a set of documents for registration. Make amendments to the documents that the Justice Ministry will ask for.


Wait two weeks and get the documents that have been registered in the Ministry of Justice and put on tax records (the territorial tax inspectorate must put the registered trade organization on tax records). Pay the state duty for registration of NPOs in the amount of 4000 rubles.


If an NPO was created for profit, all income received is taxed, as well as fines for tax evasion.

Useful advice

If for some reason you cannot create an NPO yourself, contact a lawyer. For registration of a non-profit organization, they will ask you, depending on the place of registration, from 10, 000 to 25, 000 rubles.
