
How to name an insurance company

How to name an insurance company

Video: Best Insurance Agency Names 2024, July

Video: Best Insurance Agency Names 2024, July

Insurance is a profitable business. The insurance market is filled with offers from many companies. To attract customers, the new company needs to choose the right name.


Instruction manual


Write out the words that you think are related to the concept of "insurance." For example, reliability, confidence, professionalism, peace of mind, security, stability. These words and their derivatives can be used in the name of the insurance company, as they will inspire confidence among potential customers.


Try using the initials or fragments of the names of the founders in the naming. If you get a beautiful combination, feel free to use. For example, if the owners of the company are Sokolov and Bolshakov, you can call the organization "Sable Insurance."


If you plan to engage in auto insurance, choose the names by which you can understand the scope of your business. For example, "Auto Reliability", "Auto Guarantee", "Confidence at the wheel".


For a health insurance company, the title needs to focus on health and life. Possible options: "Healthy nation", "Longevity", "Health".


The name of the company engaged in real estate insurance should be associated with comfort, security. Such options as "My Fortress", "Hearth", "Your Home" will do.


If the company is engaged in several types of insurance, you need to choose a universal name. "Reliability and Guarantee", "The future is protected", "Confidence in the future."


Do not use names that are consonant with the names of existing companies. Firstly, you may lose some customers who by mistake will not come to you. Secondly, there may be conflicts with the company that chose the name before you.

Useful advice

Check how the abbreviation of the name of your company sounds. For example, the insurance company "Success, Reliability, Strength" in the short version turns into an inconsistent SKUNS.

insurance company name
