
How to open a curtain studio

How to open a curtain studio

Video: Realistic Opening Curtain (After Effects Tutorial) 2024, July

Video: Realistic Opening Curtain (After Effects Tutorial) 2024, July

A full-fledged interior decoration business can be a profitable venture, but it requires significant cash costs and experience. At the first stage, it is enough to open an atelier for sewing curtains. The demand for products with a unique design is constantly growing, so the services of such an atelier will always be in demand.


You will need

  • - production room;

  • - sewing machines;

  • - tools for sewing curtains;

  • - raw materials, supplies and accessories.

Instruction manual


Choose a room for the future studio. In the most ideal case, it should include a production workshop and a showroom in which samples of work will be presented. Here you can take orders for tailoring. A good addition to the salon will be an Internet site where you can put photos of finished products and a unified order form.


When choosing a place for an atelier, consider the proximity of hypermarkets that sell building and finishing materials, as well as fabric stores. If at first you plan to place orders remotely, going to potential customers at home, you can rent a room in almost any area of ​​the city.


Take care of the furniture for the studio and stock up on the equipment necessary for sewing curtains. You will need a computer with a set of applied design programs, several sewing machines, an overlock. The number of pieces of equipment is determined by the estimated volume of production and the number of craftsmen that you hire for work. Buy other tools: needles, tape, scissors, rulers and so on.


Decide on suppliers of fabrics and accessories. It is best to buy materials, threads, hooks, loops and eyelets from wholesalers. You can reduce material costs if you agree with suppliers on the minimum prepayment. Even if the procurement volumes do not meet the minimum wholesale supply requirements, retail purchases at wholesale warehouses will be profitable.


Make a product catalog that you will offer to consumers. Most likely, here you will need the help of a designer who will become involved in the development of curtain models. The more unique and original your products are, the more in demand will be the services of the studio. Remember that most buyers are looking for originality that will create a unique interior in your home.


Think over what the order of work with customers will be. Usually, at the time of placing the order, the studio asks to pay for the materials, and the payment for the work itself is already after the final completion of the work and acceptance by the customer. A flexible system of discounts for regular customers and seasonal promotions with lower prices for the manufacture of certain types of curtains will increase sales volumes.
