Business management

How to organize retail

How to organize retail

Video: Real Retail TV: How To Keep Your Store Clean, Organized, & Under Control 1 2024, July

Video: Real Retail TV: How To Keep Your Store Clean, Organized, & Under Control 1 2024, July

Starting your own business is a joyful event. In order not to overshadow him with bureaucratic problems, we’ll figure out how to start trading correctly. From the very beginning, it is necessary to skillfully organize the preparatory stages of opening a retail store.


Instruction manual


You already have an understanding of what you want to do as part of the business. It's time to register a company. The most popular among small businesses is state registration in the form of individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs), for which taxation is easier, and there are enough other concessions. You can not order a round stamp, the presence of which is not necessary.


To register both an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity, it is necessary to choose the type of activity. A complete list can be found in the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED). Read the descriptions carefully, as some types of activities use the tax system that is strictly established by law. If you want to work on all your favorite simplifications, be extremely careful with the choice of activities for OKVED. Consultation is available at the tax office.


At the next stage, finally decide on the tax system. Take time and read the necessary chapters of the Tax Code. The conduct of your business will depend on this.


To register a legal entity, study the federal law of the same name, fill out an application and pay the state fee. For self-registration of a company, collect a package of documents according to the list, which can be obtained from the district Tax Inspectorate.


You went through the bureaucratic part of the retail organization procedure, and the practical part remains. It is necessary to rent a storeroom. Sign a lease, but take the time to study it. So you protect yourself from hidden fees. Make cosmetic or major repairs. The clean storeroom attracts shoppers.

When the walls of the store are ready, buy equipment. It is better to do this from specialized suppliers. Spread the goods. It's time to open up!


Do not forget to order a good sign. If you refuse it, you will lose more than you earn. To attract customers, use any marketing communications available to you.
