Business management

How to name a newspaper

How to name a newspaper

Video: Creative Newspaper Names 2024, July

Video: Creative Newspaper Names 2024, July

If you intend to publish a newspaper with a circulation of up to 1000 copies, then the question immediately moves from the legal plane to the plane of your imagination and taste. Publications with such a circulation, in accordance with the law, do not require state registration, you can call it whatever you like, though looking back at the same law. This is in terms of pornography, violence propaganda and the like - even an unregistered publication may have conflicts with the supervisory authority if the title violates the relevant articles of the law.


Instruction manual


If the circulation of your newspaper exceeds the specified figure, its name must be indicated in the registration application. For this reason, you may be denied registration - if a newspaper with the indicated name is already published. To avoid such an unpleasant collision (the whole registration process will have to start all over again), you need to look in advance for information about the possible "namesakes" of your newspaper. On the Internet you can find a complete list of all printed publications of the Russian Federation. True, it is very outdated, but it can help you. In many regions of Russia, where there are regional media departments, lists of all newspapers in the region are published on the websites of these organizations.


A good technique to avoid trouble with duplicate names is to insert the name of the settlement in the name of your publication. "Belogusevsky chimes", "Staropetrovskie Vedomosti" - not bad, and most importantly - unique.


As for the name itself, there are no recommendations and cannot be. It all depends on the nature of the publication, editorial policy, and finally, on the tastes and aesthetic preferences of the publishers.

Useful advice

In case of difficulties with choosing the name of the newspaper, you can announce a citywide or districtwide contest - this is also an excellent advertising and marketing technique.
