Business management

What to call a flower shop

What to call a flower shop

Video: Flower Shop Name Ideas ‐ Flower Shop Name Generator 2024, July

Video: Flower Shop Name Ideas ‐ Flower Shop Name Generator 2024, July

Many novice entrepreneurs attach great importance to the name of their company, store or enterprise. And it can sometimes be very difficult to do this, since a lot of names that have become familiar for a long time in the head make it difficult to choose one unique for ourselves. Many try to connect it somehow with their initials, some with some significant events or places. Store names are born in different ways. And in order not to make a mistake here, you need to know a few basic rules and follow them when choosing a store name.


You will need

scientific publication "Fundamentals of advertising and marketing", an encyclopedia of plants and flowers.

Instruction manual


In order to give the right and at the same time beautiful name to your flower shop, you need to know at least the basics of advertising and marketing. Of course, for this it is not necessary to graduate from an institute, but try to familiarize yourself with this with the help of scientific literature or the Internet. After that, it will definitely become easier for you to come up with a name.


The name of the store should be attractive, concise and sonorous. It should be immediately remembered and remembered if necessary, even after a certain amount of time. The name of the flower shop will sound among people, passed from word of mouth, and this will just become the main engine of your advertising.


Think about the target audience. You must know which category of people you will sell your product to, that is, how you will position yourself in a competitive market, and who will be your main customers.


Look for a color guide or some encyclopedia. There are very beautiful plant names in the world that can perfectly match the name of your store. Just make sure that it is always easy to pronounce and remember.


Try to avoid the words "flowers" and "floral" in the name of your store. It should be some kind of beautiful, enchanting, associative with flowers words, but in no case the “flowers” ​​themselves, so as not to get “butter oil”.

Useful advice

Although it’s sometimes difficult to come up with a name, do not underestimate its significance. The bright name of your store may well determine its future fate. The process of creating a name can become a long and somewhat painful, but still be careful, do not spare time, effort and your mental capabilities. Come up with a name that from tomorrow can become popular, famous and status among many of the same flower shops.

how to name your flower names for flowers
