
How to organize a kindergarten

How to organize a kindergarten

Video: Organizing a Kindergarten classroom is hard work! 2024, July

Video: Organizing a Kindergarten classroom is hard work! 2024, July

Opening an institution working in the field of preschool education today means helping those parents who are not able to stay with their children all the time on weekdays. Therefore, the demand for private kindergarten services in the millionaire cities is significant, because the “capacities” available to municipal institutions are often not enough. But there are few non-governmental institutions for preschoolers - the organization of a kindergarten is accompanied by great troubles and not everyone can do it.


You will need

  • Premises meeting the requirements of the licensing authority
  • Staff (from 5 people)
  • Package of documents for obtaining a license
  • Means of advertising

Instruction manual


Rent a room in which the new institution of preschool education will be located. Remember that in the process of considering an application for a license, it is precisely the compliance of the premises with all the requirements imposed by state institutions that plays a big role. It should also be borne in mind that the kindergarten will be most in demand in the area where there are few or no "pre-school" institutions.


Find qualified and talented teachers, thanks to which your kindergarten will be able to distinguish itself from others and gain its own unique “face”. If you, as the head of an educational institution, yourself have left the pedagogical environment (this, by the way, is a prerequisite for obtaining a license), then experience and connections in this area will help you choose worthy specialists. Educators are the most important link in the staff of private kindergarten employees, besides them, you will also need a methodologist, nurse or doctor, kitchen workers.


Collect the documents that will be needed to obtain a license for the right to carry out educational activities. For consideration by the licensing authority, it is necessary to provide not only information about the material, technical and personnel support of your institution, but also the methodological program of the kindergarten. Also, the head of the preschool educational institution is obliged to submit documents confirming that he has specialized education.


Organize an advertising campaign before the opening of the kindergarten, using the services of print media and local television channels. The leaflets distributed in the area where the new center for preschool education will be deployed will also serve well. Promotional materials should make it clear to parents what the "highlight" of the new kindergarten is, distinguishing it from others for the better.


Remember that trust to caring parents will be inspired only by that preschool educational institution in which the modern security system is organized.

Useful advice

On the basis of a preschool educational institution, you can create any number of circles and courses for the "smallest" (enhanced physical or creative development) - this will open up additional opportunities for parents, and bring additional income to the owner.

A popular service that a private kindergarten can provide is the organization of transport, delivering children to the institution in the morning and addressing them home by the end of the day.

  • How to open your own preschool educational institution
  • Want to learn how to organize a home kindergarten? Come in
