
How to open a jewelry department

How to open a jewelry department

The jewelry department is one of the most affordable ways to open a business for a novice entrepreneur. The lack of shelf life of the goods, the trade margin depending only on you, the wide range of assortment solutions are just a few of the advantages of this business.


You will need

  • - start-up capital;

  • - shop equipment.

Instruction manual


Find a passage and a promising place for your department. To start your own business, there will be enough racks or display cases in a large shopping center. The equipment and decor of your department should be made in the spirit of minimalism, so as not to overload the visual range. Take care of proper lighting and enough mirrors.


Find suppliers for your department. If you already have some experience, you can try to get a franchise of some brand of jewelry. Then you will automatically resolve issues with equipment, promotion and timely delivery of products. However, you will be forced to work with a fixed margin and sell products only of this brand. Instead, try to create a so-called “basket of brands”. Purchase products from different suppliers in small batches, creating your own stylistic mixes and forming an original assortment.


Pay particular attention to merchandising. 50% of the success of your business depends on the correct layout. Do not clutter up the brackets and shelves, but do not create the effect of half-empty display cases. Tactile sensations are extremely important for buyers of jewelry, so it is desirable that the client can touch most of the assortment. Only place the smallest or most valuable items under the glass. Many jewelry stores use the principle of color display. Consider this method, because often the buyer chooses jewelry for a certain outfit. But you can also use stylistic combinations. Since many buyers make such purchases on an impulse basis, simply by seeing their favorite combination of things.


Provide clear instruction and additional training for staff. Try to choose sellers with a sense of style (this is easy to check in an interview). Make sure they have a perfect manicure, as consultants very often help clients fasten jewelry.


Pay attention to the quality of the materials that make up the jewelry in your department. For example, cheap plastic can not only have an unpleasant smell, but also cause an allergy to the buyer.

Useful advice

Keep up with fashion trends. For example, if a few years ago brooches were irrelevant, today it is one of the main trends. Moreover, the brooch can be attached to the cuffs or belt. Offer similar solutions to your customers.
