
How to start an enterprise

How to start an enterprise

Video: Start it Up: Creating a successful enterprise 2024, July

Video: Start it Up: Creating a successful enterprise 2024, July

Starting an entrepreneurship is a tempting idea for many. After all, this means that you will be engaged in an interesting business for you, and that you will make decisions yourself, without the participation of others. To start an enterprise, you need to decide on an idea, draw up a business plan and act. You can also try to buy a ready-made business that you like and manage it.


Instruction manual


Think about what you would like to do. It can be anything: anything related to a specialty that you have not worked in for a long time, your talents and hobbies. A good business idea can come literally from nowhere. Interested in cooking? You can try to start baking cakes to order. Have you always loved working with children? It is worth trying to open a mini-kindergarten at home.


After you decide on the idea, you should draw up a business plan. Even if you do not plan to attract investors and want to use only your own funds, you will need a business plan. In this case, it will play the role of step-by-step instructions on starting a business, which includes an analysis of your capabilities, competitors, predicted development paths, etc. Creating business plans is very individual, but the basics can be found here: http://bishelp.ru/svoe_delo/bp/bisplan.php .


Having drawn up a business plan, evaluate your capabilities: those funds that, according to your estimates, will be needed to start a business, other resources (for example, staff). If you are missing something, consider whether you can start an enterprise without these resources. Often, a business needs much less than it seems at first glance. If you still find that you cannot provide any necessary resources, then think about attracting investors and other ways to obtain such resources (for example, office furniture can be not only bought, but also rented).


To undertake is to act. After writing a business plan and analyzing your capabilities, proceed with immediate action. It makes no sense to start entrepreneurship "from Monday", because you can do something now. For example, inform your acquaintances about your new business (for sure, one of them will become your client), create an advertising group in a social network, view a summary of potential employees of your business.


If you don’t have a clear business idea, but you have enough money and a desire to become an entrepreneur, try to buy a franchise of some famous institution: coffee shop, store, fitness club … This way you will get a ready-made, well-developed business, which will definitely have customers. Your task will be to manage it. Sometimes a franchise is used specifically for developing business management skills in order to further open a successful business.
