Business management

How to fill out a cash flow statement form

How to fill out a cash flow statement form

Video: Prepare A Cash Flow Statement | Indirect Method 2024, July

Video: Prepare A Cash Flow Statement | Indirect Method 2024, July

Organizations, enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, receive money from buyers and settle accounts with suppliers, both in cash and non-cash. They need to fill out a cash flow statement form.


You will need

computer, internet, printer, company documents, accounting data.

Instruction manual


Indicate the reporting year for which the cash flow statement at your enterprise is filled out.


Enter the full name of your organization.


Write your tax identification number for your company.


Indicate the type of activity your organization is engaged in.


Enter the legal form of your enterprise and the form of ownership (private, state).


Indicate the date of filling out the document (year, month, day).


Write the code of your company in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations.


Enter the code of economic activity of your organization in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.


Indicate the code of organizational and legal activity of your company in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of legal forms of organization and the form of ownership in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership.


Choose from the proposed units of measure that unit of measure of cash in which you intend to fill out a statement of cash flows, cross out the unnecessary unit of measurement.


Please note that all amounts must be indicated for the reporting period of the reporting year and the same period of the previous year.


Enter the amount of the balance at the beginning of the reporting year, the amount of funds received from buyers of your organization, cash flow from current activities.


Indicate the amounts of other income aimed at paying for goods (services), for remuneration of labor, payment of dividends (percent), and for calculations of taxes and fees.


Write the amount of other expenses aimed at receiving dividends (percent), proceeds from the repayment of loans provided to third parties, proceeds from the sale of securities, fixed assets.


Calculate and enter the amount of net cash from current activities, the amount of cash from investing activities.


Indicate the amount of money allocated for the acquisition of subsidiaries, fixed assets, profitable investments in intangible assets and tangible assets, the acquisition of securities, loans provided to third parties.


Write the amount of net cash from investing activities, from financial activities.


Indicate the amount of cash balance at the end of the reporting period.


The document is signed by the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant, set the date for filling out the report.
