
How to start a private psychological practice

How to start a private psychological practice

Video: Should You Start a Therapy Practice During the Pandemic? 2024, July

Video: Should You Start a Therapy Practice During the Pandemic? 2024, July

The beginning of an independent psychological practice, like the beginning of any business, carries many difficulties. It is necessary to take into account not only all legal and financial subtleties, but also organize the work in accordance with the specifics of the psychological services market.


Instruction manual


Private psychological practice is impossible without specialized education. An experience of working as a psychologist in any organization is also desirable. If you have gained professional experience and are ready to start working on your own, study the market of psychological services in your city, determine the specific type of activity that you will undertake, and proceed to legal registration.


First of all, you need to go through the state registration of the organization - usually psychologists who start private practice are registered as individual entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs without a legal entity. You will need to register with the tax authorities (choose the system by which you will pay taxes - the general regime or the simplified tax system), as well as in pension, medical and social funds. Open a bank account, purchase a stamp for documents and a cash register. Determine how you will conduct accounting - if you do not decide to do this yourself, contact a company that provides accounting services, or hire an incoming accountant. A license to provide psychological services in our country is not required if you do not plan to carry out activities of a medical or educational nature.


Rent a room, not necessarily in a prestigious area, but not far from transport interchanges and in a quiet place. No matter how great the temptation to save and accept customers in your own apartment - do not give in. Personal space must remain personal. Decide on the cost of your services. Beginning specialists usually do not set very high prices to attract customers, the main thing is not to evaluate their services cheaper than they actually cost.


Serious investment will require advertising. You may need to create your own website. Enter into cooperation with large psychological centers, for example, by offering to conduct independently developed training programs on their basis. Thus, you will help create your own name and attract customers.

how to start a private practice for a psychologist
