
Why print?

Why print?

Video: Why Not Just Print More Money? 2024, July

Video: Why Not Just Print More Money? 2024, July

In accordance with applicable law, virtually every enterprise is required to have a seal. However, this depends on the form of ownership. Partnerships and companies with additional liability are exempted from this requirement. The presence of a seal imprint is necessary on personnel, legal and legal documents, where the signature of the official is present.


The presence of an imprint of a seal is mandatory on contracts. They are signed by the director of the organization or other authorized person. Without seal, it may be invalidated. When concluding an employment contract, employees must pay particular attention to the presence of its imprint.

The presence of a seal on orders for admission, dismissal, transfer is not mandatory. But in practice, another situation has developed that its imprint is placed where the signature of the head of the enterprise is present. When an employee asks for a copy of the work book, order for admission / dismissal, then it is necessary to write the word "True" or "Copy is true" on it, indicate the name of the position of the staff member, his name, initials. The personnel officer must put a personal signature and a seal on the seal of the company or personnel department, which should be placed so as not to close the signature, since in the future there may be problems with its comparison. It is generally accepted that the seal should be located on the part of the job title.

Entries on the title page of the work book, as well as inside it, must be certified with the seal of the company or personnel service. When an employee leaves the organization, he is transferred to another position or to another employer, her impression must be present. The seal should be affixed so that the signature of the official and the transcript are readable.

When changing the personal data of a specialist, a record confirming this fact should be made in his workbook. Such a record must be certified with a seal. The name of the company on it must correspond to the name of the company in the charter or other constituent document. If the renaming has occurred, this needs to be fixed, certified with a new seal of the organization.

The presence of an imprint of the seal is mandatory when concluding contracts that have legal, legal force. The only exceptions are cases that require notarization.

When to stamp
