
Own fitness center: how to open from scratch

Own fitness center: how to open from scratch

A good fitness center allows people to improve their overall health, lose weight, manage stress and relax. If you are planning to open a fitness center, you need to carefully think out a business plan.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - financing;

  • - premises;

  • - sport equipment.

Instruction manual


Write a business plan for your future fitness center a. As in any new business, it is very important to consider all the main operations, which include financing, marketing and much more. You need to know what to strive for.


Decide on financing. You will need to determine whether you will support the new fitness center with your own funds or if you will begin to look for investors. In addition, your plan should include forecasts for the first three years of activity so that you can determine how you will pay salaries to employees and have your own income.


Locate the center. If you are going to open such classes of classes as yoga or step, then at least you need one spacious studio. For large requests, the selected room should have enough space for weight training equipment, cardio equipment and shells for warming up, as well as locker rooms and showers. Make sure that the selected building can accommodate all of this.


Get the necessary equipment. As a business owner, you can purchase everything you need at wholesale prices. Conduct your own research and determine the best price and necessary equipment goals. In addition, make sure that it comes with a guarantee, since the fitness equipment is always actively used and will need to be periodically repaired.


Hire employees. When you will be interviewing candidates for trainers or fitness mentors, make sure they have solid background in physical exercise and fitness. You will also likely need customer service staff and the entire premises.


Get started with your business. Come up with special price offers and discounts in honor of the grand opening of the fitness center and to attract customers.
